LIAR, LIAR, economy on FIRE |
by qrswave the Truth will set you Free Entered into the database on Sunday, January 01st, 2006 @ 16:45:25 MST |
after article
declares that inflation has been kept in check between 2-3% annually. Shit,
they even characterized Greenspan as an inflation-slayer! But here I am, paying almost twice as much for a gallon of milk this year as
I did last year, not to mention all other food groups. And of course, I'm paying
a large chunk of my income (debt) for the damn gasoline I put in my car, not
to mention subway fares, despite the claims that energy prices have relaxed.
What gives?!! No doubt, the mainstream media often LIES. I could go over examples ad nauseum.
But more often than not, they merely massage the truth. Apparently, this
is why those SOBs have been singing songs of victory over inflation: Recent inflation data shows wholesale prices, excluding food and
energy costs, have risen at a mere 2.6 percent for the last 12 months,
while core consumer prices, which also exclude such volatile components, rose
only 2.1 percent over the same period. What on earth is left of "core consumer prices" after you've "excluded
food and energy costs?!!" This sounds more like an inflation index for
investors not consumers! All this says is that within the group of products where consumer
demand is elastic, prices are fairly stable. You're damn right they
are! Consumers would stop buying in a heartbeat if they weren't! But,
for goods that consumers have no choice but to buy, consumers are being screwed,
royally! In all fairness, I have to give credit to the author of this particular AP
report, first for revealing the massaging technique her cohorts use to mask
the truth. But also, for mentioning that bloggers like Jeff
Matthews, who insists that his haircuts have gone from $17 to $22, are exposing
the lies as they're told. Caught again, lousy liars! If you're going to lie about something, pick a subject
that's not as obvious as this. After all, we are the consumers! |