Bushzarro Google: the Quality of Omission and Lies |
by Kurt Nimmo Entered into the database on Wednesday, May 04th, 2005 @ 17:18:43 MST |
Creel ran the Committee on Public Information (CPI), a warmongering propaganda
outfit set up by president Wilson on April 13, 1917. “CPI recruited heavily
from business, media, academia, and the art world,” writes Propaganda
Critic. “Like modern reporters who participate in Pentagon press pools,
journalists grudgingly complied with the [CPI’s]official guidelines in
order to stay connected to the information loop. Radical newspapers, such as
the socialist Appeal to Reason, were almost completely extinguished by wartime
limitations on dissent.” Of course, nowadays, there is no CPI telling newspapers and web sites what
they will publish or post—and there does not need to be because censorship
(or propaganda by omission) is a built-in feature of the corporate media and
information services, as Google demonstrates. Note Google’s assertion
that it is simply adjusting the “credibility” of news sources, as
if the New York Times and the Washington Post, two “mainstream”
corporate newspapers guilty of telling lies about Saddam Hussein’s illusory
weapons of mass destruction and thus cheerleading Bush’s illegal invasion
and occupation of Iraq, are more “credible” than other news sources
that told the truth about what Bush and his clique of warmongering Strausscons
were up to, indisputable facts borne out after the fact (and generally ignored
by the corporate media). In short, after Google installs its “quality” control algorithm,
a search of the words “Fallujah” and “war crimes” will
return stories by the corporate media (who have basically ignored the war crimes
in Fallujah) and sort those stories at the top of the list while stories by
Francis A. Boyle posted in Counterpunch or Christopher Bollyn of the American
Free Press will sorted at the distant end of a list of 400,000 results. In order to use Google effectively in the future, it may be necessary to click
on the page numbers at the bottom of the page until you reach the end of the
list. Remember, in Bushzarro world, everything is backwards, up is down, night
is day, mass murder is democracy, etc. Bushzarro Google, as a large corporate
leviathan with a strangle hold on the “search market,” will naturally
follow these dynamics. In order to find the truth, more work will be required.
Nobody said it would be a rose garden. |