Retired Air Force Col: They lied to us about the war and about 9/11 itself |
from Save The USA
Entered into the database on Friday, October 28th, 2005 @ 18:02:24 MST |
A few weeks ago I posted the audio and video from Part
1 of Retired Air Force Col. Robert Bowman’s Speech to Patriotic Americans,
here’s Part 2. To Download, rt-click –> save as [the
video] and/or 6.6mb
Audio mp3 with cool backing music… here’s the transcript (but
you really _must_ listen, he’s that good Col. Robert Bowman: As other speakers have said, they knew the American people wouldn’t stand
for it, and they said so in their documents, and they said, unless there’s
that new Pearl Harbor. Well 9/11 did supply that. And we’ve been lied
to not only about the war, but about 9/11 itself. The Bush administration was warned. They were warned by the Clinton Administration
during the transition period, they were warned by the intelligence agencies
of eleven other nations, they were specifically warned by one FBI agent that
Moussawi was planning on flying a hijacked airliner, “into the World Trade
Center.” They ignored the warnings, more than that, we have mounting evidence that _at
least_, they made it impossible for those planes to be intercepted. If our government had merely done nothing - and I say that as an old interceptor
pilot and I know the drill, I know what it takes, I know how long it takes,
I know what the procedures are, I know what they were and I know what they changed
them to - if our government had merely done nothing and allowed normal procedures
to happen on that morning of 9/11, the twin towers would still be standing and
thousands of Americans would still be alive. My sisters and brothers, that is
treason! As a combat veteran, I will not stand idly by watch our security destroyed
by a President who went AWOL rather than serve in Vietnam. As one who has devoted
his life to the security of this country. I will not stand by and watch an appointed
President send our sons and daughters around the world to kill Arabs for the
oil companies. Patriotism demands that I speak out and call it by it’s name. It is treason. I joined the Air Force a long time ago to protect our borders and our people,
not the financial interests of Folgers, Chiquita-Banana, Exxon and Halliburton.
We’ve had enough corporate wars. No more Iraqs, no more Kosovos, no more
El Salvadors, No more Columbias. These are not isolated incidents of stupidity, they’re part of a long
bloody history of foreign policy being conducted for the financial interests
of the wealthy few. It is a new form of colonialism, all the benefits and none
of the responsibilities. It violates our Constitution, it endangers our people
and it is treason. As a pilot who flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam, I swore to uphold the Constitution
of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that includes
a renegade President. It’s time for George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld,
Condoleeza Rice and the whole Oil Mafia to be removed from office and indicted
for treason. We owe it to the men and women serving in Iraq to end the occupation,
restore our credibility and honor and bring them home, and it could be done
if we had a President who would go to the UN and say we made a horrible mistake,
it was wrong and we make you three committments: 1. We give up all rights to Iraqi oil And the people in the Whitehouse are not going to make those committments
and so they have to go and all the puppeteers with them. You know we are the people and we are sovereign. We are the patriots and the
whole world is with us. Everywhere in the country that they have a free press,
all over the world people know the facts and they are with us. Not the people
out there, not the deadheads, not the know-nothings, not the chickenhawks, they’re
with us. Don’t let anybody intimidate you into silence, it’s time for all
of us to speak truth to power. Our sons and daughters are being killed, they’re
being maimed by the tens of thousands, they’re being poisoned
by Depleted Uranium by the hundreds of thousands. They’re children
are being born with birth defects, horrible birth defects, at an alarming rate.
We’re being lied to about all that as well. Our sons and daughters in uniform are being dehumanized, emotionally damaged,
psychologically destroyed, they’re being made not just to kill, but to
hate. Those who return are prone to domestic violence, divorce and suicide.
The lies, the killing and the destruction of our young sons and daughters must
not continue. We must end it. Patriotism demands that we speak truth to power,
and that we support what’s left of our troops by bringing them home now. Together we can do it. We can get the truth out there to the American People,
we’re on the verge. We’ve got half the people with us, we’ve
got to go after the other half. And together we can take back our country and
get the liars the heck out of there. God Bless America, and God grant us regime change in Washington DC.
Thank you very much. more videos from this event can be found here please spread this far and wide, play the audio for anyone that ‘can
handle the truth’ (- ; |