Bush names another “free market” ally of Wall Street to succeed Greenspan at the Federal Reserve |
by Kate Randall World Socialist Web Site Entered into the database on Wednesday, October 26th, 2005 @ 19:37:01 MST |
President Bush on Monday named Ben S. Bernanke to succeed Federal Reserve
Board Chairman Alan Greenspan, who will step down January 31 after serving as
the Fed chief since 1987. Bernanke was quick to reassure Wall Street that his appointment would not signal
any significant shift from the policies pursued by the Federal Reserve for the
past 18 years. “My first priority will be to maintain continuity with
the policies and policy strategies established during the Greenspan years,”
Bernanke told reporters following the White House announcement. Stock prices shot up Monday on the news of Bernanke’s nomination for
the top Fed post, with the Dow Jones industrial average rising 169.78 points,
or 1.7 percent, the biggest rally in six months. The appointment is seen by
Wall Street analysts as a sign that there will be no diversion from the economic
principles of the Greenspan era—policies which have led to unprecedented
wealth accumulation for a tiny elite and growing levels of poverty for masses
of working people. The appointment comes at a time of growing nervousness in financial circles
over the state of the US and world economy, and these concerns have been heightened
by the prospect of Greenspan’s retirement. Massive US budget, balance
of trade and balance of payments deficits, soaring oil prices and an upsurge
in inflation have roiled the stock market and fueled a sense of foreboding.
These concerns were reflected in an editorial in Tuesday’s Washington
Post which, while praising Bernanke, noted, “... he has never had to manage
the response to the default of a country, the collapse of the dollar or the
implosion of a big hedge fund, all crises that may lie in his future.” The Hurricane Katrina disaster exposed the social devastation produced by more
than a quarter century of unbridled capitalism, in which huge tax cuts for big
business and the rich, the lifting of regulations on corporate profit-making,
privatization and the gutting of the social safety net have undermined the country’s
infrastructure and the ability of government to carry out elementary functions
essential to modern mass society. The desperate plight of hundreds of thousands
of trapped and abandoned residents of New Orleans underscored the worsening
plague of poverty in the midst of staggering levels of personal wealth. Yet two months later, the appointment of Bernanke, another right-wing exponent
of “free market” policies, to head the most powerful banking institution
in the world testifies to the determination of the American ruling elite to
pursue the same socially destructive agenda, subordinating all public considerations
to the further accumulation of private wealth. Ben Bernanke, 51, has been an academic for most of his career, most recently
as the head of the Department of Economics at Princeton University. He was appointed
by Bush in 2002 to the Fed’s board of governors, where he served alongside
Greenspan. This past June he was named by Bush to head the President’s
Council on Economic Advisers. Bernanke’s nomination was hailed in the media as a welcome contrast
to Bush’s naming of his long-time associate and crony Harriet Miers to
the US Supreme Court. As important as the Supreme Court, a cornerstone of the
bourgeois state, is for the US ruling elite, the Federal Reserve Board is regarded
with even more deference within the upper echelons of the corporate and financial
establishment. It exerts enormous power over decision-making bearing directly
on the most fundamental economic and class interests of the ruling elite. In
regard to this post, the forces that dominate American society are not inclined
to permit the short-term political calculations or personal ties of a mere president
to intrude. Hence Bush’s decision to pass over his inner circle and name
someone eminently acceptable to Wall Street. Bernanke is, in any event, an avid supporter of the administration’s
pro-business economic policies. He spoke at length praising Bush’s tax
cuts in an October 11 address to the National Economists Club. In an editorial
on Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal wrote, “As for Mr. Bernanke, he supports
making the Bush tax cuts permanent as soon as possible. He’s an ardent
free trader, and we have heard him say favorable things about tax reform.” His nomination has prompted nearly universal praise from the financial and
banking industry. In a note to clients, Goldman Sachs economist William Dudley
described Bernanke as “highly competent and a monetary policy expert.”
A statement released by the Mortgage Bankers Association applauded his selection. The response to Bernanke’s nomination has been highly favorable across
the official political spectrum, as indicated by Tuesday’s editorial in
the New York Times, the newspaper most identified with America’s erstwhile
liberal establishment. The Times was nearly gushing in its praise, writing, “Mr. Bush may have
just picked the best person for the job.” As a governor at the Federal
Reserve, the Times writes, Bernanke was “a superb monetary economist who
won over financial markets.” The editorial concludes: “Clearly,
Mr. Bernanke will have a tough job filling Mr. Greenspan’s shoes. But
he is as close to the perfect choice as Mr. Bush could have made.” The bipartisan support for Bernanke in the Senate, which must confirm Bush’s
nominee, was signaled by Senator Charles Schumer, Democrat of New York and a
member of the Banking Committee. Schumer said, “We need a careful, nonideological
person who understands that the Federal Reserve’s main job is to fight
inflation, and Ben Bernanke seems to fit that bill.” The anti-working class offensive that has been the hallmark of the Fed under
Greenspan has gained the outgoing Fed chairman the adulation of Democrats and
Republicans, conservatives and “liberals” alike. As Greenspan approaches
retirement, he is being hailed as an “icon.” In its editorial Tuesday,
the Washington Post referred to his “nearly mythical status.” In reality, in his 18-year tenure as Federal Reserve Board head—an unelected
position, wielding vast power over the lives of millions in the US and beyond—Greenspan
has presided over the greatest transfer of wealth in US history from the working
population to the financial elite. This growth of social inequality has been accompanied by obscene levels of
self-enrichment on the part of corporate America and its widespread descent
into criminality, undermining the financial stability of many companies. Corporate
bankruptcies have mounted, wiping out billions of dollars in assets, hundreds
of thousands of jobs, and the pensions and savings of millions of retirees and
small shareholders. This gouging of the economy in the interests of the wealthy began in earnest
under Greenspan’s predecessor, Paul Volcker, who was appointed Fed chairman
by Democratic President Jimmy Carter in 1979. Under conditions of double-digit
inflation, Volcker drastically drove up interest rates, creating conditions
of recession and mass unemployment and undermining the wages struggles of workers. Under the Republican administration of Ronald Reagan, the attack on the working
class was intensified, with a wave of wage-cutting, factory closures and union-busting,
inaugurated by the August 1981 mass firing of the air traffic controllers in
the PATCO union. In 1987, Alan Greenspan was tapped by Reagan to head the Federal
Reserve. A review of economic indices in the years from Volcker’s 1979 appointment
to the present provides some measure of the growth of social polarization and
inequality, a trend which the ruling class and its political representatives
hope to perpetuate with the installation of Bernanke. Since 1979, the after-tax income of the top 1 percent of Americans has increased
by 201 percent. The top 20 percent has seen its income grow by 68 percent; the
middle 20 percent by 15 percent. By contrast, the after-tax income of the bottom
20 percent has increased by a mere 9 percent. Another statistic charts CEO pay at Fortune 100 companies as a multiple of
the average pay of workers at the same firms. In 1980, CEO pay was 41 times
that of the average worker; a decade later it was 85 times greater. By 2000,
CEO pay at Fortune 100 companies was 531 times greater than that of the average
worker. This astonishing figure was only slightly mitigated a year later, to
a multiple of 411, as a result of the bursting of the stock market bubble. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers’ average weekly
earnings (measured in 1982 dollars) have gone down in 15 of the 26 years from
1979 through 2004, including a .84 percent drop in 2004. In 2004, the number of millionaire households in the US grew to 7.5 million,
with this layer controlling $11 trillion in assets. The minimum wage, however,
has plummeted in real terms. It is today 26 percent lower than in 1979. Only
last week, the US Senate rejected a proposal to raise the national minimum wage
from its current poverty level of $5.15 per hour. |