Suicide 100 percent |
from xymphora
Entered into the database on Monday, October 17th, 2005 @ 18:13:08 MST |
Nobody believes that Ghazi Kenaan committed suicide, or as Damascus Attorney General Mohammad al-Louji called it "Suicide 100 percent". So who murdered him, and why? The Zionists and their fellow travelers claim it was because he knew too much about the assassination of Rafik Hariri, and how much the Syrian government is implicated in it, but it seems very odd to leave his removal for having that kind of information to so late a time. The anti-Zionists claim that the Mossad did him in because he knew too much about American/Israeli participation in the assassination of Hariri, but that is even less likely as he undoubtedly would have revealed such involvement by now. Here's a good theory from Joshua Landis (see also here):
and (my emphasis):
Bashar al-Asad has been clamping down on all possible rivals. Civil society has been all but silenced since the June Baath Party conference. The Atasi forum shut down. Evidently Anwar al-Bunni, Damascus' leading civil rights lawyer and advocate is presently in hiding so he would be arrested. All emerging political movements have been broken up during the past several months. The Kurds are under intense pressure as are all Islamic organizations. Bashar's strongest suit is that there is not alternative to his rule. Washington must either accept him as president or tempt the fates that Syria will collapse into some form of social chaos. Now that Ghazi Kanaan is no longer alive, it is hard to imagine another Alawi in the government who would have the authority, knowledge, or standing to pull off a coup." Did the neocons have Kanaan lined up as Syria's Chalabi, a friend ready to be Washington's stooge in Damascus after an American-engineered coup? Did Bashar find out about it time to take the only logical step to preserve his regime? |