Bali II: Another Elusive Terror Mastermind on the Loose |
by Kurt Nimmo Another Day in the Empire Entered into the database on Sunday, October 02nd, 2005 @ 17:14:55 MST |
Azahari bin Husin, said to be the explosives “mastermind”
behind the Bali bombings this past weekend, has a very interesting background.
He is not your average rural madrassa religious fanatic or “al-Qaeda”
goat herder of the sort captured in Afghanistan. Husin is a “former university
lecturer and gifted mathematician,” according to the Sydney
Morning Herald. “He returned home to obtain his degree, and
at the end of the 1980s went to Reading University in England, where he impressed
his tutors so much they persuaded him to stay on to complete a doctorate.”
Husin’s future was promising as a lecturer at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
at Skudai in the southern state of Johor—and then he suddenly experienced
a fanatical religious “epiphany” under the sway of the late Abdullah
Sungkar and Abu Bakar Bashir, followers of the Darul Islam ideology and co-founders
of Pondok Ngruki and eventually Jemaah Islamiyah, an Islamic separatist movement
supposedly dedicated to the establishment of a fundamentalist Islamic state
in Southeast Asia. I say “supposedly” because there are doubts (never mentioned in
the western corporate media) about the legitimacy of Jemaah Islamiyah, as I
noted in an earlier blog entry (subsequently posted on the Muslim
Public Affairs Committee website). According to Sayed Abdullah, who operates an intelligence services
firm in Indonesia, “It is clear that the CIA and the Mossad have infiltrated
such organizations [Jemaah Islamiyah, Hamas, and Hezbollah].” Abdullah
told Kazi Mahmood of IslamOnline the he believe it “is obvious the CIA
and the Mossad, assisted by the Australian Special Action Police (SAP) and
the M15 of England, are all working towards undermining Muslim organizations
in an attempt to weaken the Muslims globally.” Abdullah believes the Bali bombing of 2002 was “an operation clearly
financed and assisted by the CIA and Mossad, made use of Muslims to carry out
the final act…. Those Muslims were not innocent since they took the bait
handed over by the CIA and the Mossad to bomb Bali and to avenge against the
U.S. war on the Muslims in Afghanistan.” The Indonesian expert argued said that “to achieve this, the CIA used
one of its operatives, Omar Al-Faruq, an Arab living in the U.S. who speaks
Arabic and knows a little about Islam and who was sent to Indonesia to infiltrate
the so called terrorist groups. He said that Al-Faruq initially infiltrated the Laskar Jihad, a group of
Muslim volunteers fighting for the safeguard of the Maluku’s during
the conflict of the Island. When the Laskar was winded down by its leader, Al-Faruq was sent to join
the Mujahideen Council of Indonesia (MMI), created and headed by jailed Indonesian
Islamic leader Abu Bakar Basyir, added Sayed Abdullah. “After he failed to be a member of the MMI and failed to get to Basyir,
he decided to work on the followers of Basyir. It is then that he came into
contact with some of the Bali bombers and this is how the whole Bali operation
was conducted,” according to the Indonesian intelligence expert. He claimed that Australia, the U.S. and even Taiwan knew that Bali was to
be bombed but they did nothing about it. As noted in yesterday’s entry here, Omar Al-Faruq “was assigned
to infiltrate Islamic radical groups and recruit local agents within these groups”
for the CIA. “After the CIA obtained complete data on this matter, they
then made Al-Faruq disappear. It’s common in intelligence world,”
former Indonesian State Intelligence Coordinating Board chief A.C.
Manulang told Tempo Interactive in September, 2002. Azahari bin Husin’s British connection should be examined, especially
in light of the revelations that Haroon Rashid Aswat, the so-called mastermind
of the 7/7 London Bombings, worked for British Intelligence, as noted by former
Justice Department prosecutor and terror expert John Loftus on, of all places,
Fox News. Steve
Watson wrote for Infowars on August 2: John Loftus went on to spell out that British Intelligence and the US dept
of Justice had protected Haroon Rashid Aswat: “Back in 1999 he came
to America. The Justice Department wanted to indict him in Seattle because
him and his buddy were trying to set up a terrorist training school in Oregon…
we’ve just learned that the headquarters of the US Justice Department
ordered the Seattle prosecutors not to touch Aswat… apparently Aswat
was working for British intelligence…” This information is startling and again highlights how Al Qaeda exists as
an organized body only where the intelligence services have created, funded
and employed it. Loftus points out that several weeks before the London Bombings,
Aswat was again located by the South African Intel agency but again allowed
to slip away, this time to London: “He was a British intelligence plant. So all of a sudden he disappears.
He’s in South Africa. We think he’s dead; we don’t know
he’s down there. Last month the South African Secret Service come across
the guy. He’s alive… the Brits know that the CIA wants to get
a hold of Haroon. So what happens? He takes off again, goes right to London.
He isn’t arrested when he lands, he isn’t arrested when he leaves…
He’s on the watch list. The only reason he could get away with that
was if he was working for British intelligence. He was a wanted man.” In similar fashion, Azahari bin Husin managed to elude capture in late 2003.
Indonesian security officials “say Indonesian police were close to catching
him in late 2003 in a swoop on Pekanbaru, capital of Sumatra’s Riau province,
and opposite Singapore,” explains the Sydney Morning Herald. “Azahari
was there, but slipped through the dragnet unrecognized.” He was able
to do this because he is “[l]ong-haired and lean-faced” and bears
“little resemblance to the one photograph police have of him.” Obviously,
Husin shares the same mercurial nature as Osama bin Laden and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
It would seem the Brits and the United States have greasy fingers when it comes
to capturing potentially dangerous Islamic fanatics and al-Qaeda operatives.
In fact, they are simply recycling trusted intel operatives (or their painstakingly
engineered reputations). Of course, considering “al-Qaeda” (appropriately earning the moniker
“al-CIA-duh”) is a documented CIA-ISI-MI6 asset, the “escape”
of key “terrorists” such as Azahari bin Husin is not only logical,
it is mandatory if state-sponsored terrorism is to be used as a form of psychological
warfare against unwitting populations in need of manipulation (since most normal
people recoil from the prospect of forever war and need to be reminded of the
specter of terrorism). Since we have no evidence Bin Husin actually exists—he
was last seen prior to the first Bali bombing—the corporate media, regurgitating
spook generated mythologies, is now free to turn the former mathematician and
university lecturer into a world-class terrorist on par with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
Like Orwell’s Emmanuel Goldstein, Azahari bin Husin lives on as an effective
bogeyman, an effective (if illusive) villain in a constellation of Islamic villains,
an evasive apparition one step ahead of the law and thus forever a possible
threat—or at least a threat until our rulers decide they no longer have
use for him (as they apparently no longer have use for Osama bin Laden now that
nine eleven is established folklore and the irrefutable foundation of the supposed
war on terrorism). See from Looking Glass News - |