Sibel Edmonds v. Department of Justice: A Patriot Silenced, Fighting to Keep America Safe |
from ACLU
Entered into the database on Tuesday, September 27th, 2005 @ 14:59:14 MST |
WASHINGTON -- The American Civil Liberties Union is urging the U.S.
Supreme Court to review a lower court's dismissal of the case of Sibel Edmonds,
a former FBI translator who was fired in retaliation for reporting security
breaches and possible espionage within the Bureau. Lower courts dismissed the
case when former Attorney General John Ashcroft invoked the rarely used "state
secrets" privilege. Sibel Edmonds, a Turkish-American woman, was hired as a translator by the FBI
shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 because of her knowledge
of Middle Eastern languages. Judge Reggie Walton in the U.S. District Court for
the District of Columbia dismissed Edmonds retaliation case, citing the government's
“states secrets privilege.” The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld
that ruling, and on August 4, 2005, the American Civil Liberties Union petitioned
the U.S. Supreme Court to hear Edmonds' case. The Supreme Court created the so-called state secrets privilege more than 50
years ago but has not considered it since. The privilege, when properly invoked,
permits the government to block the release in litigation of any material that,
if disclosed, would cause harm to national security. The need for clarification
of the doctrine is acute because the government is increasingly using the privilege
to cover up its own wrongdoing and to keep legitimate cases out of court. History has shown that the government has relied on the state secrets privilege
to cover up its own negligence. In the 1953 Supreme Court case that was the
basis for today's state secrets privilege doctrine, United States v. Reynolds
, the government claimed that disclosing a military flight accident report would
jeopardize secret military equipment and harm national security. Nearly 50 years
later, in 2004, the truth came out - the accident report contained no state
secrets, but instead confirmed that the cause of the crash was faulty maintenance
of the B-29 fleet. The government is engaged in a similar cover-up in the Edmonds case. In 2002,
at the request of Senate Judiciary Committee members Charles Grassley (R-IA)
and Patrick Leahy (D-VT), the FBI provided several unclassified briefings to
Members of Congress in which it confirmed many of Edmonds' allegations. More than two years later, the Justice Department retroactively classified
those briefings, which were reported in the Congressional Record, and asked
Members who had the information posted on their web sites to remove certain
documents. This move was a blatant attempt to bolster the government's efforts
to dismiss Edmonds' case on state secrets grounds. After the Project On Government
Oversight filed a separate lawsuit challenging the retroactive classification,
the Justice Department agreed the information could be distributed. An unclassified summary of a report by the DOJ's Inspector General, released
in January 2005, corroborates Edmonds' allegations . The IG report concludes
that the FBI had retaliated against Edmonds for reporting serious security breaches,
stating that “many of her allegations were supported, that the FBI did
not take them seriously enough, and that her allegations were, in fact, the
most significant factor in the FBI's decision to terminate her services.”
Edmonds' case is not an isolated incident. The federal government is
routinely retaliating against government employees who uncover weaknesses in
our ability to prevent terrorist attacks or protect public safety.
The states secrets privilege should be used as a shield for sensitive evidence,
not a sword the government can use at will to cut off argument in a case before
the evidence can be presented. We are urging the Supreme Court, which has not
directly addressed this issue in 50 years, to rein in the government's misuse
of this privilege. The outcome in Edmonds' case could significantly impact the government's ability
to rely on secrecy to avoid accountability in future cases, including one pending
case charging the government with “rendering” detainees to be tortured.
We are asking the Supreme Court to reverse the D.C. appeals court's decision
to exclude the press and public from the court hearing of Edmonds' case last
April. The appeals court closed the hearing at the eleventh hour without any
specific findings that secrecy was necessary. Fourteen 9/11 family member advocacy groups and public interest organizations
filed a friend-of-the-court brief in support of Edmonds case before the District
Court, and many are expected to join an amicus brief supporting Supreme Court
review of the case, including the National Security Archive. Edmonds' ordeal is highlighted in a 10-page article in the September 2005 issue
of Vanity Fair titled “An Inconvenient Patriot.” The article, which
chronicles FBI wrongdoing and possible corruption charges involving a high-level
member of Congress, further undercuts the government's claim that the case can't
be litigated because certain information is secret. |