The Ten Worst Jobs in America |
by Liza Featherstone AlterNet Entered into the database on Tuesday, September 13th, 2005 @ 15:07:18 MST |
Mama, don't let your babies grow up to be poultry processors -- or any
of the other dangerous, difficult, smelly, low-paying jobs on this list.
For a rich country, the United States has a lot of abysmal jobs, so
any list of this kind will necessarily omit some true horrors. Still, there's
no doubt these are 10 of the very worst (in no particular order). Poultry processor These folks quit their jobs five times as
often as other workers, and it's not hard to see why. This job boasts an impressive
"ick" factor -- you can imagine how gross these plants smell. The
workers -- two-thirds of whom are black women -- are surrounded all day by gizzards
and offal. The pay is lower than any other job in the manufacturing industry,
except apparel. It would be tough to decide which was the worst task in a poultry
plant -- would you rather be crapped on and scratched by live birds; slaughter
and behead them; or pull their guts out? The work is repetitive, with relentless
pressure for profit-maximizing efficiency. Bathroom breaks are discouraged and
often punished. Because of the brutal pace and casual safety training (portrayed
in a Pulitzer Prize-winning Wall Street Journal investigation of the industry)
one in four poultry workers are injured or made ill by their jobs. Cuts from
the equipment -- knives and scissors -- are common, as is carpal tunnel syndrome.
Many poultry plant workers live in trailers on the premises, paying their rent
through pay deductions. Alarmingly, this has been one of the fastest growing
factory jobs in recent years. Sewing machine operator There's no offal on the factory floor,
but the upsides to this job end there. Garment workers' wages are even lower
than those of poultry workers. They also face a constant threat of unemployment;
because of unregulated overseas competition, apparel is expected to lose 245,000
jobs by 2012, probably more than any other industry. Sewing areas are the noisiest
parts of the factory, and operators must sit for long periods leaning over machines
and work under intense time pressure; repetitive stress injury is common. Their
average wage is about $7.72 an hour; of course, in illegal "underground"
shops, even lower -- or unpaid -- wages are common. Only 8 percent of U.S. garment
workers are covered by a union contract; even those who are union members have
found it almost impossible to bargain for better wages and conditions in recent
years, because of global economic pressures. Most people doing this job are
women, and in large cities like New York and Los Angeles, most are immigrants.
There are about 140,000 sewing machine operators in the U.S. garment industry
today. Farm laborer Waking up early and planting things -- it sounds
like the bucolic, Jeffersonian dream, but more often than not, it's a nightmare.
Farm workers are among the poorest in the United States; not only are their
wages low, they must also endure the instability of seasonal work, and usually
receive no benefits. They're excluded from many of the legal rights and protections
other workers enjoy: farm employers are not obligated to pay overtime, and many
don't even have to pay minimum wage. Some small farmers are even exempt from
many occupational health and safety laws, and in any case, throughout the industry,
enforcement of such laws is weak. Hundreds of farm workers are killed on the
job every year, and tens of thousands injured. They must work around toxic pesticides,
with horrifying long-term effects on their health: poisoning, cancer, and, when
pregnant women are exposed, birth defects. In a given week, around 793,000 people
rely on hired farm work as their primary source of income. Mississippi prison inmate/forced laborer Prison labor isn't
always an atrocity; when it's voluntary, and paid, many inmates welcome it.
They have, after all, little else to do, and may wish to get some job skills,
work experience and save some money, either for their families or their release.
Prisoners in the state of Mississippi, however, receive no wages or benefits.
Their work conditions are hellish: they are often forced into outdoor agricultural
labor in heat exceeding 100 degrees, and made to work far longer than a 40-hour
week. Most people doing this job are black, and verbal abuse from white supervisors,
including racial epithets, is common. Nanny on a temporary visa Over the past decade, tens of thousands
of women have come to the United States on temporary visas to work as live-in
maids and nannies. Usually, they work for foreign diplomats, businesspeople
or officials of international organizations. What these women endure sounds
like something we expect to hear in accounts of human slavery in Saudi Arabia.
Sometimes bosses lie to the women about the terms of their employment and imprison
them in their homes, forbidding them to speak to anyone outside the family.
These real-life Dickensian sickos could legally be prosecuted under federal
human trafficking laws (and it sure would be nice to see them out in the Mississippi
sun wearing stripes), but as Debbie Nathan recently reported in The Nation,
enforcement agencies and many advocates are slow to act when the cases don't
involve prostitution or other lurid sex allegations. Whether they are technically
"trafficking" victims or not, workers on these visas are often reluctant
to report abuse because if they leave their jobs, they can be deported. Human
Rights Watch reports that these workers' wages average about $2.14 an hour,
their workday lasts about 14 hours, and they are rarely allowed to leave the
employer's home without permission. Laundry worker Commercial laundries are hot, steamy and noisy,
and workers are on their feet almost all day. Fumes -- and in hospital laundries,
blood and urine -- pose dire health hazards. The average wage is $8.74 an hour.
Some laundry companies, such as Cintas, also harass and intimidate workers of
precarious immigration status, to discourage them from joining unions. But the
amazing thing is, many laundry workers are organizing anyway -- even going on
strike to press for better treatment. So perhaps this job won't be on this list
forever. There are now over 200,000 laundry and dry cleaning workers in the
United States. Roofer This dirty, difficult job, which has a higher turnover
rate than most other construction jobs, involves working outdoors all year round.
Cold weather is bad enough, but roofs get scorching hot in summer, and burns
are common. It's also easy to slip and fall off a roof, ladder or scaffolding.
There are at least 166,000 roofers in the United States. Pay is decent for those
who are union members, are working on the books, or have significant roofing
experience, but those in the bottom 10 percent of the industry make less than
$9.15 an hour. And if they are immigrants, it's not unusual for employers --
usually contractors or private individuals -- not to pay them at all. Recycling plant worker (materials recovery) People are supposed
to separate their garbage: recyclables in one bin and the other, usually far
more gruesome, items in another. A lot of people can't seem to grasp this, hence
the need for the Materials Recovery Facility, in which salvageable items are
retrieved from unsorted garbage. Sorting through other people's trash to retrieve
bottles and cans is such a nasty job that it should be handsomely paid. But
it isn't -- for just above minimum wage, these workers sift through dirty diapers,
dead animals, used tampons and condoms, hypodermic needles and rotting meat.
Many newcomers to the job vomit from the stench. Street prostitute Sex work takes many forms, many of which
can be safely and profitably negotiated by consenting adults. But streetwalkers
have little control over their work conditions. They are frequently cheated
out of pay, raped and sometimes even murdered on the job. (Most street prostitutes
report having been assaulted by a client at least once, according to the Center
for Problem-Oriented Policing.) They must also work under constant threat of
arrest and police harassment; serving time in jail is an integral part of the
job, while paying fines is an expected business expense. While the hourly pay
isn't bad, it seems low considering all the indignities involved; a blow job
is about $20-$50, intercourse $50-$100. Still, this profession has one advantage:
demand remains constant. U.S. soldier, active duty in Iraq It's not geographically
"in America," but as American citizens we are the employers of these
unlucky folks. Just like any other workers on this list, the 148,000 men and
women fighting in Iraq take pride in their jobs and deserve our respect. But
it is a wrong-headed war, as the majority of the American public agrees, and
horrifyingly dangerous work. Not provided with the basic tools to protect themselves,
many have to pay for their own body armor. Since the war's inception, 1,882
American soldiers have died on the job. Many more - at least 14,120 -- have
been severely wounded: Army hospitals keep filling up with those who have lost
limbs and even parts of their faces. Even those who return home physically healthy
may be deeply psychologically traumatized. And, larger issues aside, it can
get as hot as 120 degrees over there! Soldiers have benefits that other workers
lack: access to affordable childcare on U.S. military bases, for example. But
they are dismally underpaid: many low-ranking soldiers serving in Iraq make,
per hour, less than retail workers |