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Unconfirmed Reports of Explosives Being Used to Blow Up Levees
from Looking Glass News
Entered into the database on Monday, September 05th, 2005 @ 17:25:36 MST


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Out of all the stories of the tragic deaths of New Orleans...there are some unconfirmed reports of explosives being used to blow levees

From Get Your Act On!

Also heard that part of the reason our house flooded is they dynamited part of the levee after the first section broke - they did this to prevent Uptown (the rich part of town) from being flooded. Apparently they used too much dynamite, thus flooding part of the Bywater. So now I know who is responsible for flooding my house - not Katrina, but our government.



From Cloak and Dagger

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) sabotaged the levee. So say more than 25 eyewitnesses, primarily but not exclusively blacks. Some weather-warfare experts contend Hurricane Katrina was man-made, created and directed by the latest technology and high-level treachery.

On the ground and in helicopters, FEMA operatives have vowed to identify and snuff out the finger-pointers. But, like the War of 1812, amid British-instigated violence, a French and American alliance is protecting brave Americans.

Will Bush/FEMA treason be exposed? Stay tuned.
