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Force Ministries: 'Kill for Christ' Cult by TBN
by URI DOWBENKO    Conspiracy Planet
Entered into the database on Friday, August 19th, 2005 @ 10:50:11 MST


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Imagine these 20-something morons in Iraq -- "Goddamn heathen, do you accept Christ -- or do I have to kill you now?"

Force Ministries, with links to the TBN website, promotes "Imparting Faith in Christ" -- through the barrel of a gun.

The splash page of Force Ministries shows "Mission: Christ Centered Duty" with grim faced American servicemen in camo, toting automatic weapons. They claim to be "missionaries to military bases."

"Equipping military personnel for Christ centered duty" is the tagline of Force Minitsries.

"Christ centered duty"? Is that double-speak for killing Iraqi civilians while pretending that Christ is in your heart?

The website is listed as part of TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) "contact" information (http://www.nmtv.org/index.php/9/4/F.html)

Who said the Crusades were over? When you have reincarnated hate- mongers like TBN promoting "killing for Christ", all bets are off, pal.