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Countdown: The Coming UK Coup
by Fintan Dunne
Entered into the database on Sunday, July 31st, 2005 @ 15:41:25 MST


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The London bombings were not only to bolster the NWO's Iraq campaign, but mark a new phase in the G8's rolling global coup. Next stop Britain.

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Truth Radio: Fintan Dunne & Kathy McMahon.

We present unambiguous political analysis showing there is a covert timeline to ensure that in October of this year, the U.K. will railroaded into becoming a Homeland Security State --using the same methodology which established the prototype in the United States.

Just as in the U.S., a campaign of state-sponsored fake terrorism --supplemented with psychological warfare against the domestic population-- is the modus operandi. The London bombings were the opening gambit.

The evidence for this covert timeline begins back on 19th May, 2004 --in what seemed a relatively trivial incident at the time:

Prime Minister Tony Blair was hit by a missile thrown from a gallery in the House of Commons today.

Protestors hurled purple powder at the Premier striking him between the shoulder blades and clattering to the floor. Dads’ rights pressure group Fathers 4 Justice later claimed responsibility for the attack. [Source]

So what was that all about?

It was about laying the groundwork for a coup. Here's how.

First, consider the timing of the second 'failed' London bombings: early on the 21st July, 2005. Just in time to help usher in the renewal of the Patriot Act laws in the U.S.:

The House voted Thursday to extend the USA Patriot Act, the nation's main anti-terrorism tool, just hours after televisions in the Capitol beamed images of a new attack in London... The House debate included frequent references to the attacks earlier in the day, two weeks after larger London blasts that killed 56, including four suicide bombers. [Source]

Which was a particularly nice piece of timing -suiting George Bush rather than Al-Qaida.

Interestingly enough, that day was also the day that parliament in the U.K. recessed for the summer break --thus British politicians never got the chance to articulate their response to the events of the day. That's also quite convenient for Tony Blair.

Not to worry, the August break will soon be over. Come September the MPs will be back on the benches to fill the temporary democratic deficit. But...

Not this year they won't.

Because of that 'powder attack' on Tony Blair, a temporary security screen --already erected to protect MP's-- is scheduled to be replaced with a more permanent structure in early September.

Ministers argue that a long recess is necessary to give workmen time to construct a permanent security screen at the front of the Commons public gallery. [Source]

So parliament cannot sit. And later in September is a washout too, because that's the traditional political party conference season. Meaning it will be October 10th before MPs are back on the job. The first item on their agenda then being the Government's proposed terrorism legislation.

All of which means that Blair & Co. have a clear run of 80 days without parliamentary oversight or review of their actions and with the propaganda bonus of a Labor Party Annual Conference in the interim. That gives the Government every chance to set the scene for pushing through parliament a range of measures which will likely seriously impact civil liberties.

Senior British police have asked UK Prime Minister Tony Blair for draconian new powers, including the right to detain a suspect for up to three months without charge, a new specialist U.K. border-security agency along the lines of U.S. Homeland Security and removal of a suspect's right to silence. The police body further wants to be able to attack and close down Web sites in order to to "suppress inappropriate internet usage." [Source]

Parliamentarians will likely be predisposed to approve the measures after weeks of security alerts, bomb scares, and Keystone Cop mayhem including roundups of suspects. Their mood will no doubt be affected by a brand new security screen seperating them from the electoral rabble and enhancing the sense of threat.

And who knows, perhaps Al-Qaida will continue to 'attack' with optimal political timing --ahead of the vote on the new laws. Perhaps even causing those laws to be strengthened at the last minute. Nothing, as you see, is being left to chance.

In the light of all this, it might be fruitful to look again at the group whose intemperate Commons powder-throwing is turning out to be so advantageous for the U.K. end of the 'War on Terror'.

It was U. K. fathers' rights group Fathers4Justice who staged the stunt. Fathers4Justice are somewhat notorious for their 'superhero' protests. Group member David Chick, dressed as Spiderman, once climbed a crane beside London's Tower Bridge and four members of the group --dressed as Spiderman, Superman, Batman and Robin-- have climbed Bristol's Clifton Suspension Bridge.

But father's rights is not all publicity pranks:

Solicitors representing women whose ex-partners are members of Fathers4Justice claim they have been sent abusive e-mails, had their offices vandalised and stormed by protesters and have even been targeted at home.

In an even more sinister development, scores of family law solicitors specialising in children's issues were sent hoax letter bombs last autumn. Similar hoaxes - made of marzipan with wires attached to it - were also sent to offices of the Child and Family Courts Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass), which deals with custody issues. [Source]

All of which is virtually a carbon copy of events 'down under' --in Britain's stalwart partner in the War on Terror: Australia.

Where a militant father's rights group called the Blackshirts has staged similar actions while wearing masks and paramilitary uniforms. The militant's leader John Abbott defended their often intimidatory acts saying: "we're here to encourage protect and defend marriage, the family and the children." [Source]

Asture readers might dispute that assertion and see both groups as classic, if not carricature, covert provocateurs who serve to smear father's rights to help keep men and women divided and thus conquered. That's a tactic of rulership as old as the Romans. Someone is pulling the strings of these groups.

That's puts a new context on the May, 2004 'powder incident' which has led to British MP's strategic absense this September. And it implies there is indeed a carefully planned timeline guiding all these events.

Seeing events in this light, the timing of the second 'Al-Qaida' attacks in London look like the political theatre it surely was. But, what about the first London bombs attack on 7/7 -coincident with the G8 meeting in Gleneagles, Scotland?

Was it just randomly fortunate timing that the attacks wrongfooted the campaign for African debt relief and put the G8 leaders back in the driving seat on the issue? What of the pied pipers of the debt relief movement -the beknighted Bob Geldof who posed for photo opportunities with British Chancellor, Gordon Brown and sidekick Bono with his close links to figures in the Bush Administration? Were these media darlings encouraged to lead their movement into a perfectly timed trap designed to raise hopes of a breakthrough and then cynically dash them?

If so, then we are seeing only the tip of the iceberg in media coverage of current events.

Behind the scenes, those whom the 'suicided' former weapons inspector, Dr. David Kelly referred to a 'dark actors' have their hands subtly on the tiller.

And they plan to guide the ship of state into a prolonged war on self-sponsored 'terrorism' -stripping away civil rights under cover of 'terrorist attacks' whose timing benefits the political agenda of the global players.

Which means it's about time the left in politics woke up to the fact that they are being played for fools by a media/political circus where most actors are dancing to a covert agenda.

It's a long political way from John Kerry to George Galloway, but both are typical of a left leadership ever-so-fortunately showered with media attention. Just as were Geldof and Bono in the run-up to the G8 meeting.

No wonder we are getting nowhere in resisting the imperial machinations of the G8. No wonder we are getting nowhere campaigning for justice and equity for the colonial slaves of the world. No wonder we are scratching our heads as governments posing to 'defend our freedoms' from terrorism --are nevertheless stealthily removing those freedoms, brick by legislative brick.

So, let's cut through the smokescreen of lies and misdirection.

We know who is orchestrating the bombings which plague us. Ruthless 'terrorists' who hate our freedoms. These terrorists know no freedom themselves. The onerous demands of the lust for power have become for them their prison of shallow political theatre. And from within that prison, their shadow hates our freedoms.

It's time to clear the stage of these 'dark actors'. Before thousands more are killed in their fake terror attacks; and tens of thousands in their imperial war adventures.

It's time to do it now. Before we run out of time.

Our netradio broadcast on this theme MP3: 56k DSL

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See also:

How Black Ops Staged the London Bombings

Rise of the G8 New World Order

Live8 is an NWO Psyop - so is AIDS