Energy bill lacks declaration of independence on foreign oil |
by James F. Peltz and Richard Simon The Seattle Times Entered into the database on Saturday, July 30th, 2005 @ 13:16:17 MST |
The energy bill nearing passage in Congress, described by the Bush administration
as an important step toward making the United States less reliant on foreign oil,
would do little in the short term to boost the nation's energy independence or
provide relief for motorists paying record gasoline prices, analysts said. The U.S. petroleum industry, already enjoying record profits from skyrocketing
oil and natural-gas prices, lobbied aggressively for the legislation and received
billions in tax breaks partly designed to encourage new drilling. But the industry is unlikely to start sinking new wells based on those incentives
alone, projects that require years of development before they add fresh oil
and gas to the market, experts said. "The energy bill is not going to make a meaningful difference in U.S.
supplies," said Steve Enger, an analyst with Petrie Parkman, an energy-investment
bank in Denver. The bill, the first overhaul of national energy policy in a more than a decade,
was approved by the House of Representatives yesterday; Senate approval is expected
today. Bush, a former Texas oilman, has pushed for the energy bill since taking
office in 2001 and is expected to sign it. Some critics said the legislation represents a giveaway to the energy industry. With crude trading near $60 a barrel, oil companies "don't really need
much more encouragement" to launch exploration projects, said Rick Mueller,
senior oil analyst at Energy Security Analysis. "Companies already are
looking anywhere they can to find additional barrels." Moreover, the energy legislation won't do much to quench U.S. thirst for oil.
Rising demand in the United States — the world's biggest consumer of petroleum
— as well as in China, India and elsewhere has been a major factor in
keeping global oil markets tight and pump prices high. "There's very little in the bill, really, to address that," Mueller
said. Even Energy Secretary Sam Bodman cautioned that motorists should not expect
a quick decline in gasoline prices. "There are no magic bullets in this law that will change energy prices
in the next day, week or month," Bodman said. "It's going to take
a number of months, if not years, to deal with energy prices." The bill's $11.5 billion in tax breaks over 10 years are not just aimed at
generating more oil and gas supplies. They also include the first-ever tax credit
for nuclear-power companies and a range of measures to promote conservation
and energy efficiency. However, lawmakers rejected language — opposed by U.S. automakers —
that would have required the federal government to adopt tougher fuel-economy
standards for sport-utility vehicles and other gas guzzlers and to look for
other ways to cut U.S. oil consumption. Still, the Bush administration hailed the bill as laying the groundwork for
energy independence. "For over four years, the president has called for a national energy strategy
for our national and economic security," and getting Congress "to
come to an agreement is definitely an achievement," said White House spokeswoman
Dana Perino. Concerns about U.S. energy security on imported oil increased last month when
a Chinese oil company jumped into the bidding for Unocal. The United States, which consumes about 20.7 million barrels of oil a day,
depends on imports from Canada, the Middle East and elsewhere for about 58 percent
of that oil, according to the Energy Department. That dependence on foreign
oil has jumped from about 45 percent a decade ago. About 30 percent of the 5.4 million barrels of oil produced in the United States
each day comes from the waters of the outer-continental shelf. Most of that
is in the Gulf of Mexico, although production off the coasts of Alaska and California
is also included. The energy bill's oil-related incentives, which include reduced royalties on
oil pumped from under U.S. waters, mainly affect deepwater projects in the Gulf,
where companies have stepped up exploration without the promise of additional
tax breaks. Production in the Gulf is expected to surge 33 percent, to 2 million
barrels a day, by the end of the decade, Mueller said. The incentives provide "an incremental step" toward boosting exploration
in the Gulf, said John Felmy, chief economist of the American Petroleum Institute,
the oil industry's trade group in Washington. The measures included in the bill
"could be the marginal difference between whether to do it or not,"
he said. Russ Roberts, spokesman for Exxon Mobil, the largest U.S. oil company, called
the bill "an important step toward providing consumers with reliable and
affordable energy supplies, while addressing the need for conservation and energy
efficiency." Oil, utility and other energy companies have spent more than $314 million in
the past the past 2 ½ years lobbying federal officials on energy-related
legislation and other industry concerns, according to PoliticalMoneyLine, which
tracks lobbying expenses. But companies didn't get everything they wanted; at least not yet. For example,
a provision that would have opened Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
to drilling was dropped from the final version. Still, when Congress returns
from its August recess, it is expected to vote to open a portion of the refuge
to energy exploration. Critics complained that the oil industry is receiving tax breaks at a time
they are enjoying record profits because of the surge in energy prices. In the last three months of 2004, for instance, Exxon Mobil's profit shot up
27 percent from a year earlier to $8.4 billion, the largest quarterly profit
ever for a U.S. public company. The oil giant's full-year profit was a company
record $25.3 billion. "While the energy bill does not decrease dependence on foreign oil, it
does increase dependence on federal handouts," said Tom Schatz, president
of the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste, a watchdog group. |