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Fire and Bomb Resistant IDs in London
from Another Day in the Empire
Entered into the database on Wednesday, July 13th, 2005 @ 13:35:56 MST


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Cockamamie. No other way to describe it. The Boston Herald tells us the “terrorists” (possible patsies) in London “were all carrying personal documents” because “they wanted their identities to be known,” according to the Times of London. You’d think if this was indeed the case the “terrorists” (patsies) would have sent a statement to the newspapers, put a message on the internet, done something to leave a mark. Nope. Instead they left behind their IDs and such. Now a normal person would have big problems with this scenario, mostly because any documents on the bodies of the alleged suicide bombers would be incinerated or blown to smithereens. But miraculously, like Mohammed Atta’s passport found in the smoldering rubble of the WTC (and in nearly pristine condition), the “personal documents” of the native-born Pakistani heritage suicide bombers were found in the wreckage. It’s sort of like the Magic Bullet found on a stretcher at Parkland Hospital shortly after the assassination of President Kennedy. Point is, if people are stupid enough—or intellectually lazy enough—to believe this obvious nonsense they probably deserve what the neocon world order has in mind for them: a repressive police state, endless war (donating of first born will be mandatory), and an ever sliding standard of living as the neolibs take over the planet and turn it into a cheap labor gulag.