The Secret Organization of al-Qaeda in Europe: A load of Hooey |
from Another Day in the Empire
Entered into the database on Friday, July 08th, 2005 @ 21:29:23 MST |
Five minutes tuned into CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and the entire panoply of the corporate
media propaganda machine reveals a common thread in regard to the London bombings—once
again, in knee-jerk fashion, an exaggerated al-Qaeda is to blame, minus any evidence
whatsoever beyond an absurd claim of responsibility by something calling itself
“The Secret Organization of al-Qaeda in Europe,” a preposterous and
unwieldy appellation if ever there was one. Even the unanimity of the corporate
media slips on occasion, however, especially as details about events are emerging. “MSNBC TV translator Jacob Keryakes said that the statement in which
the group claimed responsibility for the attacks contained an error in one of
the Qura’nic verses it cited. That suggests that the claim is phony, he
said,” reports al-Jazeera. A quick Google News Search returns exactly
two results on the name “Jacob Keryakes” and one result when his
name is coupled with “al-Qaeda” (the above al-Jazeera reference).
Now you’d think, in the name of “fair and balanced” journalism,
the possibility “The Secret Organization of al-Qaeda in Europe”
is phony would be mentioned by the corporate media, but of course it is not
because the purpose of the corporate media is not to provide us with facts but
brainwash us into accepting another set of lies, or at least half-truths, about
terrorism. Once again, cui bono—who benefits—rules the day. “I refuse to accept that the attack on London was anything less than
a false-flag operation designed to enrage Western ‘civilization’
against the Middle East,” writes Matt Hutaff. “Why? Because there
is no reason for ‘terrorist’ groups to attack England. As recently
as this week, the Ministry of Defense announced that plans were being drafted
that would pull British armed forces from the quagmires in Iraq and Afghanistan.
With the British effectively admitting they’re throwing in the towel,
the only motivation to stay could come from an attack that compels the forces
to stay and fight ‘global terrorism.’ Think about it. The attack
only benefits empires desperate to maintain a foothold in the Middle East without
further eroding public opinion. Will Parliament shrug their shoulders and push
their soldiers into longer tours of duty because of this? Obviously it’s
too early to tell, but if that happens, insurgents and rebels will have lost
more than they could have ever possibly gained in destroying part of the Underground.”
Fox News host Brian Kilmeade, in his exuberance to glean something supposedly
upbeat from the attacks, agreed—the attacks are propaganda coup for the
stalled “war on terrorism”: And he [British Prime Minister Tony Blair] made the statement, clearly shaken,
but clearly determined. This is his second address in the last hour. First to
the people of London, and now at the G8 summit, where their topic Number 1—believe
it or not—was global warming, the second was African aid. And that was
the first time since 9-11 when they should know, and they do know now, that
terrorism should be Number 1. But it’s important for them all to be together.
I think that works to our advantage, in the Western world’s advantage,
for people to experience something like this together, just 500 miles from where
the attacks have happened. “No longer do we need to concern ourselves with two world leaders (who
have spawned more worldwide terrorism than any fanatical religious organization)
going unquestioned in their lies that started a war,” Hutaff continues.
“We can cast off our sluggish economies, lack of freedoms and pitiful
descent into draconian law…. Everything is the same, right down to the
previously unheard of Islamic group (The Secret Organization of al-Qaida in
Europe? Are you kidding me?) taking credit—even though the translation
falls apart under scrutiny and the Q’uran is improperly cited. Considering
the only Al Qaeda cell to ever be uncovered was a front for the Mossad, you’d
think the perpetrators could at least come up with a clever new booga-booga
name to grab headlines. Their arrogance is startling.” Of course their arrogance is startling—because the American people (and
plenty of Britons) no longer need rock solid or even believable evidence, relying
instead, in a pervasive intellectually lazy fashion (now that is startling),
on the entirely unsatisfactory explanations of two confirmed liars. It really
does not matter what they name this particular phantom occurrence of al-Qaeda
and it also does not matter if the false flag al-Qaeda now blamed for the attacks
botches a Koranic verse or two because not only does the corporate media refuse
to pause on such egregious errors in the official story but the American people
also refuse (or are incapable) of picking up on the obvious: al-Qaeda is a big
fat booga-booga contrivance. |