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Iraqi Resistance Issues Terms of Surrender (for Bush)
from Another Day in the Empire
Entered into the database on Thursday, June 30th, 2005 @ 20:25:55 MST


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In response to Bush and the Tweedle Dee-Dummers in Washington, who believe all it will take is a bit of backbone to defeat the “terrorists” in Iraq (who will invade New York if they are not stopped in Iraq), and Rumsfeld’s admission the U.S. talked with the resistance, the Mujahideen Central Command has released a communique. First, the resistance claims there are no negotiations, stating “there is no such word ‘negotiation’ in our political agenda” (in other words, Rummy may have made the whole thing up, not surprising considering the litany of habitual lies pedaled by the Bushcons), and second the resistance will keep on resisting, regardless of the corporate media spin (an increasingly desperate spin due to the stubborn fact the resistance is not going away, as Bush and crew promised after the Iraqi “elections” staged earlier this year). Here are the resistance conditions: “All enemy troops are to withdraw to the occupied city of Kuwait” and then “we sit under the exact same tent, that Schwarzkopf erected at Safwan, only this time it is to be erected in Matlaa the generally known and accepted borders of Iraq, and with the authorization of our new government, which will be declared soon at the correct timing from our Baghdad, we will negotiate your surrender!” In short, the resistance is going nowhere and it is not negotiating (the Rumsfeld story on negotiating is absurd due to the fact the U.S. will not leave Iraq and the resistance will not settle for it remaining, so there is nothing to negotiate). It is interesting to note the Iraqis consider the occupation only the latest phase of a long and drawn out invasion, beginning with Bush Senior’s Gulf War I, continuing through the 90s under Clinton with a medieval siege (500,000 kids murdered), and culminating with Bush the Lesser’s re-invasion and, as the resistance knows, ultimate defeat. Naturally, the resistance communique was not mentioned by the corporate media, too busy covering the inanities of Bushzarro world and following the very important story of a “jar said to contain the air of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie” sold on eBay.