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Who's the Real Welfare Queen
by Citisucks    The Truth Will Set You Free
Entered into the database on Tuesday, September 05th, 2006 @ 16:19:31 MST


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The same rich white men who accuse poor single mothers of being the devil for trying to feed their children are the same assholes stealing welfare right and left for those who don't need it.

"Securities regulators have ordered a division of Citigroup Inc. to pay $1.1 million in fines and restitution for allegedly allowing more than 100 of its brokers to submit false disability claims for customers so they wouldn't have to pay certain mutual fund fees".

This was not just a few unusual cases either.

[In fact,] "the brokers submitted invalid customer disability claims in 2,419 mutual fund transactions totaling some $47 million".

What is sicker yet though is that these corporate terrorists get a 1.1 million dollar fine for stealing 47 million dollars worth of money. This is a total joke of a punishment. The corporate terrorists who did this should be dragged off in handcuffs and locked up in a cell and the keys should be thrown into the river. If you steal a loaf of bread you get locked up, but if you are a corporate terrorists you can steal million in funding that is to be used for the disabled and you don't even get a slap on the wrist.

The next time anyone mentions welfare queens be sure to mention Citibank. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you! It is sick that these corporate terrorists who are given so much from the corporate terrorists in power feel that they need to steal more tax payer money. These whores actually steal the wallets of those they f*ck.


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