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walmart china stocks porn?
from ash was here
Entered into the database on Saturday, June 11th, 2005 @ 14:49:02 MST


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When i was travelling in China last month, I was amazed to find my favorite store for "Everyday low prices" right smack dab in the middle of an entire country with everyday low prices everywhere! in fact, isn't everything in walmart US made in china?? its the reason we go there, to stretch our pocket books further.. but why do the chinese go there? i think its for the convenience of everything under 1 roof which wasnt that common prior to walmarts entry in the china market.

While wandering down the isles of this megastore, i was curious about the retail price of Hollywood movies and music -- especially since the same titles are available literally one block outside the door for $1 on the street (pirated of course). to my surprise, i discovered a wall of porn! not segmented by curtains or velvet ropes, but literally right above the children's movies... isn't this the same retailer that makes american magazine publishers change its covers to get shelf space in america's favorite family store??