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So, who *really* stole the billions of US dollars in the Iraq Oil For Food Program?
This is the real question. Why is this case even before a Senate committee and
NOT in a court of law? And what the heck is a British PM doing in the USA appearing
in front of a US government committee being accused of some crime perpetrated
in Iraq? Isn't that a first where a foreigner accused of a crime is flown into
the U.S.A. to appear in front of a US government committee instead of in a court
of law? If Galloway did the crime, then bring him in front of a court of law with
all the evidence and get on with it to PROVE him guilty. Who is investigating
this case and what actually happened to the billions of dollars? Shouldn't a US
government prosecutor be in charge of this case and be gathering the evidence
to bring to trial in a court pf law, the REAL thieves who stole the billions?
A serious criminal investigation here should be able to show who stole the billions
of dollars. Just have the FBI, CIA or some other government policing agency do
their investigating and follow the money trail so they could easily bring to justice
the real thieves. Forget about that idea, because the FBI, CIA etc.are controlled
by the same Illuminati connected group of thieves who stole the money!
This whole case appears to be nothing more than a whitewash of the truth, just
like the 911 case, the JFK assassination case, and so many others. Every time
the members of the Illuminati want to get away with their crimes, they somehow
manipulate everything and bring it before some bogus government committee, which
is not a court of law and no one is penalized for LYING and not telling the truth.
The People see this act and charade on TV and in the news and think something
serious is being done to get to the bottom of the issue at hand, while meanwhile
the guilty parties are allowed to not even be prosecuted and they go free for
their crime that they committed. In reality, none of the real thieves are being
investigated and prosecuted here, and eventually the Senate hearing will come
to an end, and the "insider" government thieves will get away with their
billions of dollars that they stole, and no one will go to jail, and some final
thick book report will be written, and the public will believe that something
serious was done and they will eventually forget about this whole sordid affair.
Isn't that what happened in 911 and the JFK assassination etc.?
More recently, there was $9 billion dollars missing in Iraq that was reported
in the news for a few days and nobody seemed to know what happened to $9 billion
dollars that was stolen. There was no serious investigation and the story in the
Illuminati controlled mass corporate media just sort of disappeared and there
was no attempt by the government to even find the thieves, and the People never
called out and yelled for their government to find out what happened to $9 billion
of their tax dollars.The People seem to get more agitated and involved when some
poor welfare "slave" steals a few hundred bucks from their government!
Or what about the missing $3 TRILLION dollars from the Pentagon and Defense Department?
How many times are the People going to go for this CON and bull shit? The Illuminati
gang of thieves and killers are LOOTING THE US TREASURY and other government treasuries
around the world and getting away with grand thefts of trillions of dollars. Does
anyone really fathom how much a TRILLION of their tax dollars is? You could eliminate
world wide poverty with three TRILLION dollars, that's how much money three trillion
dollars is!!! You've got to admit, the Illuminati gang of killers and thieves
have their trip together and know how to manipulate the government, the news etc.
in order to get away with their crimes in broad day light. How pathetic!!!
Michael Shore