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Bush’s final propaganda card: the staging of an "Osama" capture
by Larry Chin    Online Journal
Entered into the database on Friday, March 03rd, 2006 @ 14:29:15 MST


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In the latest attempt to salvage his political scalp with an empty propaganda performance, George W. Bush paid a surprise visit to Afghanistan, where he posed and gloated with co-conspirator/puppet/US intelligence asset Hamid Karzai. “Liberated” Afghanistan, like “liberated” Iraq, is a hell of the Bush administration’s creation.

Bush then declared that he is “confident bin Laden will be brought to justice” and that “we've got U.S. forces on the hunt for not only bin Laden but anybody who plots and plans with bin Laden.”

Could Bush/Rove’s next trick be a spectacular “Bush gets Osama” event, similar to the never-authenticated arrest of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the “arrests” of other Al-Qaeda co-conspirators, or the farcical arrest and trial of former US intelligence asset Saddam Hussein?

Such a deception would temporarily slow a right-wing neocon mutiny, and silence congressional Democrats, who accuse Bush/Cheney of “not doing enough” to stop “terrorists," failing to “make us safe," failing to arrest Osama, and failing to “really” conduct the “war on terrorism." It would force Democrats to congratulate Bush for finally getting “public enemy number one," slink back to less aggressive posturing (the management of the “war on terror”), and say nothing as the mentally ill Bush beats his chest on his way out of the White House.

Alive or dead, real or fictional, Osama was, and remains, an asset of Anglo-American intelligence, as does al-Qaeda. Since 9/11, Osama videos and Osama transmissions, and false flag operations attributed to al-Qaeda, have exclusively served US geopolitical interests.

Note Bush’s intentionally vague words: “brought to justice." This is code for “killed," and/or sequestered a la Manuel Noriega. “Osama” could never be arrested or put on trial publicly. “Osama” is either not alive (not a real person), or if alive, a US asset who “knows too much." That would expose the “war on terrorism” lie, and the lie of 9/11.

A bogus arrest and execution of “Osama” would be one of last propaganda cards in Bush’s dwindling deck of tricks. In fact, only the naive could think Bush would be permitted to end his criminal presidency without that final fraud. It is probably a long-planned bookend to his reign, hatched at the same time as the rest of 9/11. Bush’s machine has simply been waiting until the last minute to unleash it.

The bad news for the Bush machine is that the potential for backfire and blowback is considerably greater than the possibility of success. Too much damage has been done for old damage control to repair. It may be over for Bush/Cheney, but the world war that they began, the hell on earth that they have created, rages on, out of control.