There is no war on terrorism |
by Jack Duggan Online Journal Entered into the database on Sunday, February 19th, 2006 @ 17:44:17 MST |
All the stories we see in the TV news, print and Internet media today are like
mice in a small room occupied by a grizzly bear. We can see the bear, hear him
panting and growling as he attempts to stomp on us, but everyone pretends he's
just not there, even though he's eating all the food and we mice are starving. The bear is the U.S. government and media cover up of the 9/11 attacks.
They never came close to proving that foreign "terrorists" were involved.
Of all four missing planes' passenger manifests, not one Middle
Easterner was on any of them. A jihadist who is bravely going to
his death for the sake of his beliefs in Allah and Islam is a martyr and wants
the whole world to know it. Martyrs' families receive reverential praise and
support in their communities for decades. Yet not one of the "terrorists"
the American
government insists were on the aircraft used their real names or
were listed on the passenger lists. At least seven of the 19 'hijackers' are
still alive. The 9/11 attacks were created for justification of U.S. covert plans
to grab influence over oil politics in the Middle East and as an excuse to take
away the rest of Americans' liberties through a manufactured threat-scenario
called, "The War On Terror." What good are all the thousands of articles about politics, global warming,
education, scandals, religion, economics and how we must always go out and vote
so that we can "make a difference?" If our votes really did make a
difference, they'd be illegal. Who cares about such articles when the cover-up of what really happened on
9/11 is hands-off, an untouchable leper? What good are they when in the name
of a phony "terrorist attack," our way of life no longer exists except
at the pleasure of corporate-driven federal socialists? We are being starved
of our liberties by a ursus horribulus that stomps every mouse who dares get
in his way or mentions that he's there. I see a lot of authors write all around the grizzly bear, almost approaching
the truth, but none seem to have the conviction to call for an open door to
run the bear out of the house. Our
Founding Fathers would have made a bearskin rug. I will tell you here and tell you now with no equivocation: THE 9/11
ATTACKS WERE NOT DONE BY TERRORISTS. There is absolutely no need for the USAPATRIOT Act, the FEMA Police,
Homeland Security, airline and stadium searches and warrantless monitoring of
every phone call and e-mail conversation we make. In the name of a false threat that never existed, all of our rights
and freedoms have been trivialized. Every branch of the federal government
has been suborned, including the U.S. Supreme Court, whose judicial activists
invent law and have recently canceled our rights to own property, in Kelo v.
of New London, making eminent-domain confiscations of our homes to increase
politicians' tax profits 'constitutional.' Central government today is 100 times worse than under
George III, yet how many Americans can see this? Perhaps most don't want
to see it, because it might compel them to drop their precious remote controls. There Is No War on Terror If there were, the whole nation would be told to take up arms. Everybody
would be armed, even on aircraft. Inexpensive AK47s would be stored in every
closet, much like arms are stored in homes all over Switzerland because
the Swiss government has nothing to fear from its populace. There is only a
war against our freedom in the name of a created threat that doesn't exist.
We have been duped into surrendering our liberty in the false name of security
by a government that sends us out into the "War
On Terror" unarmed because we cannot be trusted with guns. The most
basic of all rights is the right of self-defense against criminal attacks. A
great equalizer between the weak and the strong, guns in the hands of women
could reduce assaults upon them by stronger male attackers by 80 percent. How
can it be said that women have equal rights if they cannot carry? Yet Diane
Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush all hide behind guns
for their protection because they're much more important than our wives, sisters
and daughters? Again, the only 'war' is on our freedoms. People are so used to being indoctrinated by government that they have
actually been convinced to ignore their own eyes. Everyone who saw
the videos of the World Trade Center Towers saw them fall exactly like other
high-rise buildings that were dropped by sequential demolition charges, at the
speed of gravity because there was no structural resistance below to impede
their collapse into their basement footprints. Yet almost every viewer has been
convinced by the lapdog media that measly jet-fuel fires could melt the massive
steel girders of both buildings, then make everything collapse. Just like a
pilot's foot pedals could make a passenger jet burst into flames, then crash
in Rockaway, NY. Apparently the federal government has learned that the public
will buy any lie, no matter how absurd, if
it's repeated often enough. There were dozens and dozens of reports by rescue workers on the ground at
the WTC complex that heard explosions over an hour after the planes crashed
into the
towers. They felt explosions under their feet that were so powerful that
seismographs registered them at 2.1 and 2.3 on the Richter
scale. Only explosions could have caused
them. The weekend before the 9/11 WTC demolition, all power was shut down to install
"computer cables." No one was allowed inside and all security cameras
and alarms had no power for 30
hours. Computer cables don't connect with building electricity, so the need
to turn off and close both towers to do so is indicative of another motive,
like planting charges without alarms and video surveillance. Marvin Bush, brother
to President George and Jeb, was a principal in Securacom, which was in charge
of security for the World Trade Center. Didn't hear that on the TV news, did
you? Suckers who still buy into the monumental lie that aircraft crashes caused
the collapse of both WTC Towers, cannot explain how a steel beam weighing twice
as much as a Boeing 767 flew from one WTC building over 390 feet to bury itself
very deeply into the neighboring American
Express building. Even harder to explain is why WTC Building 7, a block away, collapsed "because
of fire," when it received no damage from the Twin Towers' collapse. No
other skyscraper in the world ever collapsed because of a fire of any type,
including that from a B25 bomber crashing into the Empire
State Building decades ago. Of all the air crashes in the USA over the past three decades, how many ground
crashes resulted in not recovering their black boxes, containing pilots' voices
(CVR's) and aircraft telemetries (FDR's) before and during impact? Yet not one
usable black box was ever recovered from any of the four planes that reputedly
were hijacked on 9/11.
Not one. Flight 93 that contained the "Let's roll!" myth, where four passengers
supposedly tried to overpower the hijackers, did not crash into one small area
like it should have. It's debris was spread over eight miles, indicating that
it was shot down by a military fighter jet, exploding in the sky and raining
down debris over eight miles, "like
confetti." The WTC was the biggest crime, mass murder, 'hijackings' and air crashes
in US history. Yet all the forensic evidence was immediately removed, buried
or shipped to smelters, so that not one investigator from any agency could inspect
it. Who has that kind of power? President Bush and all his staff swore to God to support and defend the Constitution
of the United States of America, then apparently went on to violate their oaths
of office by completely ignoring the Constitution. Bush maintains that he can
ignore the U.S. Constitution and tap into private computers, phone lines, medical
records and any other private citizens' data whenever he wants, by his self-declared
doctrine of "Unitary Executive.” He claims that as commander-in-chief,
the president is the sole judge of the law, is unbound by the Geneva Conventions
against torture and possesses inherent authority to subordinate the entire government
to his rule -- including Congress and the courts. Bush also originated "Extraordinary Rendition.” This program, also
condoned by Vice President Dick Cheney, involves the clandestine transfer of
suspected terrorists to countries ruled by regimes that torture and commit other
forms of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. Dr. William F. Schulz, executive
director of Amnesty International USA, referring to a set of CIA flight logs
obtained by his organization, said the logs were “ . . . irrefutable proof
that the United States is ‘disappearing’ people into secret facilities
where they are held incommunicado without charge, trial, or access to the outside
world.” The American
Reichstag Fire of the 9/11 "terrorist attacks" was created so
that the American public would back the invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria
and Iran in the name of "The War On Terror," while stripping away
the rights of the same American public. The results have been the same as in
Nazi Germany, suspensions of freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and private
ownership of property. Citizens are forbidden to own the same weapons that their
"servants," their police and military, carry to defend themselves.
There is literally more freedom in most Third-World countries than now in the
USA, which has 10 times the per-capita prison population than the People's Republic
of China. Alexis de Tocqueville wisely observed, “I know of no country in which
there is so little independence of mind and real freedom of discussion as in
America.” The 'War On Terror' is a sham to enable U.S. power to confiscate, to torture,
to imprison without due process and to invade any country that the military-industrial
complex fancies. When God was kicked out of public life, we know who stepped
in. Where are the cries for impeachment? Where are the defenders of liberty? None of them seem to work in the broadcast
or print media. When are citizens going to demand that the cover up of 9/11 be kicked out the
door along with the people who invented it? When will the truth be told, that
THERE IS NO WAR ON TERROR, but only on oil and on citizens' rights? The bear is there, but where are the mice with the courage to force him out
the door? |