Errant flight prompts Capitol evacuations |
by Dona Cassata The Associated Press Entered into the database on Wednesday, May 11th, 2005 @ 17:39:35 MST |
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A small plane strayed within three miles of the White House
on Wednesday, leading to frantic evacuation of the executive mansion and the
Capitol with military jets scrambling to intercept the aircraft and firing flares
to steer it away. A pilot and student pilot, en route from Pennsylvania to an air show in North
Carolina, were taken into custody after their flight sparked a frenzy of activity
that tested the capital's post-Sept. 11 response system. The government decided not to press charges after interviewing the men and
determining the incident was an accident. "They were navigating by sight
and were lost," said Justice Department spokesman Kevin Madden. Officials had been concerned because the plane appeared to be "on a straight-in
shot toward the center of the Washington area," said Capitol Police Chief
Terrance W. Gainer. President Bush, biking with a high school friend at the Patuxent Wildlife Research
Center in Beltsville, Md., was unaware of the midday, 15-minute scare as it
was occurring. At the Capitol, lawmakers, tourists and reporters raced out of the building,
dodging the speeding motorcades of Latin American leaders who had been meeting
with members of Congress. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., was hustled
to a secure location. Police, rushing to get House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi
out of the building, lifted her out of her shoes. Armed security officers raced through the Capitol shouting for people to leave.
"This is not a drill!" some yelled as they moved people away from
the building. "There's a plane coming," warned another. At the Supreme Court, guards told some people to leave the building while others
were shepherded into the underground parking garage, where Justices John Paul
Stevens, Sandra Day O'Connor and Stephen Breyer were seen chatting. At Treasury,
an announcement on the loudspeaker advised employees to move to a shelter. The Defense and State departments were exceptions, with neither evacuated.
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld remained at the Pentagon, where many were
killed when terrorists crashed an airliner on Sept. 11, 2001. Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice conducted a television interview unaware of the plane. The incident began at 11:28 a.m., when Federal Aviation Administration radar
picked up the aircraft, a small two-seater Cessna 152 with high wings. Gainer
said the first alert went out when the plane was 21 miles - 17 minutes - from
the city. Two Black Hawk helicopters were dispatched at 11:55 a.m. from Reagan National
Airport. Two F-16 jet fighters, scrambled from Andrews Air Force Base, fired
four warning flares when the Cessna's pilot did not respond to radio calls. "If he wouldn't have responded, intentionally or not, he could have been
shot down," said Master Sgt. John Tomassi of the North American Aerospace
Defense Command in Colorado Springs, Colo. The plane then turned to the west and the warplanes escorted it to the airport
in Frederick, Md., where the men aboard were taken into custody and questioned
by Secret Service, FBI and local authorities. The plane was registered to Vintage Aero Club, a group of people who fly from
Smoketown Airport in Pennsylvania's Lancaster County, said club member Merv
King. Former club member John E. Henderson said the plane was to be flown by
Jim Sheaffer of Lititz, Pa., and student pilot Troy Martin, of Akron, Pa., to
an air show in Lumberton, N.C. Martin's wife, Jill, said, "Troy was discussing with me last night after
they made their flight plans all about the no-fly zones and how they were going
to avoid them. He said they were going to fly between two different restricted
areas." Washington's Reagan National Airport has been closed to general aviation, the
non-airline planes, since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. In the 3 1/2 years
since then, hundreds of small planes have flown within the restricted airspace
around the capital - a 15 3/4-mile radius around the Washington Monument. However, it's rare for fighter jets to be scrambled in response. In the most dramatic previous incident, thousands of people fled the Capitol,
packed with members of Congress and other dignitaries, when a plane flew into
the restricted airspace just before the funeral procession for President Reagan
last June. A communications breakdown led federal officials to believe the plane might
be targeting the Capitol, but it turned out to be carrying Kentucky Gov. Ernie
Fletcher, who had been cleared to fly into the area. --- Associated Press Writers Mark Scoloforo in Harrisburg, Pa., and Erin Gartner
in Denver contributed to this report. © 2005 The Associated Press |