Wending Toward the Insanity of Total War |
by Kurt Nimmo Another Day in the Empire Entered into the database on Friday, January 20th, 2006 @ 17:16:27 MST |
As if to throw another poker chip in the attack Iran (and eventually
Syria) ante, “Israel accused Iran and Syria on Friday of planning and
funding a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv that raised tension before next week’s
Palestinian election,” reports Reuters. “Sharon aide Raanan Gissin
told Reuters
Israel had ‘ample, concrete evidence’ that the Tel Aviv
bombing, for which the Islamic Jihad group claimed responsibility, was bankrolled
from Tehran and planned in Damascus.” It was also a creation of the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization with a documented
history of cooperating with MI6 and the CIA, but don’t expect “Reuters
Israel” to mention this. Israel also “aided Hamas directly,”
according to Richard
Sale of UPI and Tony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic Studies, “as
a counterbalance to the PLO,” that is as a way to defeat Palestinian nationalism,
a more fearsome threat than Islam. It should be obvious by now that Israel,
Britain, and the United States have created and selectively unleashed Islamic
terrorism for decades and continue to lean heavily on this artifice now, as
the Straussian plan for total war and destruction in the Middle East reaches
a fever pitch. In the past, Israel has accused Iran and Syria of complicity in suicide bombings,
but with the Iran attack now front and center in a big way, it is fleshing out
its claim, accusing the duo of participating in an “Axis of Terror,”
an obvious take on and alignment with the Straussian neocon “Axis of Evil,”
a colorful term initially contrived by Bush chief speechwriter Michael Gerson
who refashioned David Frum’s original term “axis of hatred,”
inspired, Frum admits, from old FDR speeches and Pearl Harbor (the parallel
between this and PNAC’s “new Pearl Harbor” rhetoric is obvious).
“Gissin portrayed the Tel Aviv bombing as a warning to European powers
considering measures against Tehran over its nuclear program,” Reuters
continues. “This attack was in Tel Aviv. Tomorrow it may be in Berlin
or in Paris or in London—countries that may vote against Iran on the issue
of its nuclear program,” Gissin said. Not only vote against Iran, but
serve it up to the Straussian neocons in the Pentagon on a silver platter, ready
to be devoured by rabid chicken hawks, to the satisfaction of the Jabotinsky
Likudites in Israel. On Thursday, White House press secretary Scott
McClellan blurred the lines further as he talked about “terrorists
who are committed to a shared ideology” and then effortlessly segued into
a discussion of Iran and the sort of “freedom” the Straussian neocons
plan to deliver (it will be, McClellan promised, the same sort of “freedom”
the Iraqis endure, viz. a freedom replete with depleted uranium, polluted water,
lack of electricity, devastated hospitals, and sectarian violence). Meanwhile, additional events do not bode well for peace and prosperity. “A
defiant Iran announced Friday it has begun pulling its foreign currency accounts
out of European banks to protect its assets from possible U.N. sanctions over
its nuclear program,” reports the Associated
Press. In short, Iran expects the worst. “As analysts estimated the
amount of those funds at up to $50 billion, Iran also called for a reduction
in OPEC oil production—raising the possibility that the country would
deploy its oil prowess in its standoff with the West,” a prospect real
enough to freak out currency investors. As well, the move may catapult oil prices
astronomically upward into the $80 per barrel range as “early as this
quarter,” Ashraf Laidi, chief currency analyst with MG Financial, told
Reuters. Earlier today, oil prices “surged past $ 67 per barrel”
and the stock market was “unnerved” by “reports that Al-Qaeda
leader Osama bin Laden has threatened new attacks against the United States,”
according to Sify
Finance. It is of course no coincidence al-Qaeda and Islamic Jihad issued
rhetoric and a suicide bomb at roughly the same time. Naturally, at the moment the rubber stamp Security Council imposes sanctions
on Iran, in preparation for the Straussian neocon and Jabotinsky Likudnik attack
in March, Iran will undoubtedly play the oil card. “Emboldened by strong
prices and stretched global supplies, Tehran could retaliate by removing all
or part of its daily crude sales of 2.4 million barrels from thirsty world markets,”
reports Reuters, and “actual disruptions would be hard, if not impossible,
for the world to cover with the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
holding only 1.5 million barrels per day in reserve… Iran, OPEC’s
second biggest producer, has warned that world oil prices would be driven higher
if the U.N. slaps on sanctions.” Moreover, after the United States attacks
Iran, the oil market will go into terminal shock, especially if Iran starts
pinging oil tankers in the Straits of Hormuz, as feared, and possibly attacking
neighbor oil producing states where the U.S. military shelters. For further details on how the Iranians will react to the coming attack, read
Kaveh L Afrasiabi’s How
Iran will fight back. Most troublesome, especially for the youth of America,
is the following: “Iran’s counter-psychological warfare …
seeks to take advantage of the ‘death-fearing’ American soldiers
who typically lack a strong motivation to fight wars not necessarily in defense
of the homeland. A war with Iran would definitely require establishing the draft
in the US, without which it could not possibly protect its flanks in Afghanistan
and Iraq; imposing the draft would mean enlisting many dissatisfied young soldiers
amenable to be influenced by Iran’s own psychological warfare focusing
on the lack of motivation and ‘cognitive dissonance’ of soldiers
ill-doctrinated to President George W Bush’s ‘doctrine of preemption’,
not to mention a proxy war for the sake of Israel.” Of course, conscription-slavery is precisely what the Straussian neocons
desire, as well as a further militarized and indoctrinated society at large,
as these will be required if the interminable “clash of civilizations”
crusade is to be successful. It is wise to keep in mind that these chicken hawk
sociopaths envision “World War Four” and this is precisely why they
are preparing to attack Iran and inflame the Muslim Middle East—to force
the reality of continual war waged against the Muslim masses on the American
people, who are after all, the neocons are convinced, too soft and decadent
and need above all to have war and the idea of dead relatives and neighbors
foisted on them in order to toughen them up for the generations of war to come,
as promised by Bush and Cheney. |