Who is Stephen Harper, the Conservative poised to be Canada’s next prime minister? |
by Richard Dufour World Socialist Web Site Entered into the database on Friday, January 20th, 2006 @ 17:04:19 MST |
The circumstances of the 2006 Canadian elections—12 years of
uninterrupted Liberal rule, a growing sense of economic anxiety, a spate of
corruption scandals—have been seized upon by Canada’s corporate
elite as the long-sought opportunity to push politics far to the right. The
media’s saturation coverage of the corruption issue, its unwillingness
to scrutinize Conservative claims that they have adopted moderate policies,
its lampooning of Prime Minster Paul Martin as a ditherer and a has-been—all
are elements in a campaign aimed at bringing to power a Conservative government
under Stephen Harper that will pursue closer cooperation with and, on many fronts,
emulate the Bush administration. The man who according to all opinion polls will be Canada’s prime minister
after next Monday’s election is a right-wing economist and neo-conservative
ideologue. Over the past 15 years—whether as a Reform Party leader and
MP, president of the far-right National Citizens Coalition, or head of the Canadian
Alliance and, since 2004, the new Conservative Party—Harper had made no
secret of his abhorrence of universal social programs such as Medicare or his
support for privatization and deregulation. A rabid opponent of the Liberals’
failure in 2003 to take Canada to war alongside the Bush administration in the
US-led invasion of Iraq, Harper recently proclaimed his desire to “rebuild
the Canadian military” in order to “make foreign policy decisions
that are not only independent but are actually noticed by other powers around
the world.” Harper has been accused by his electoral rivals of betraying traditional
“Canadian values.” The Liberals and the social-democrats of the
New Democratic Party invoke such vapid abstractions to conceal the class divisions
within Canadian society and their own role as parties of big business. The Liberals, who have formed the government since 1993, it must be
recalled, have presided over the biggest redistribution of wealth away from
working people into the hands of the wealthy, through sweeping social spending
and tax cuts. The NDP helped sustain the Liberals in power, after they
lost their parliamentary majority in the June 2004 election, then fell in behind
the Conservatives’ plans to capture power using the corruption issue by
helping draft and voting for a Conservative non-confidence motion that justified
the government’s defeat on the grounds of moral turpitude, not the Liberals’
right-wing record. And the Bloc Quebecois’s real nature has been exposed
by the actions of its sister party at the provincial level, the Parti Quebecois,
which carried out its own massive cuts in public education, health care and
other public and social services, when it last formed Quebec’s government
(1994-2003). It is one thing to expose the hypocritical character of the denunciations that
Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin, NDP leader Jack Layton and Bloc Quebecois
head Gilles Duceppe have made of Harper’s “hidden agenda.”
It is something entirely different to deny that such an agenda exists and claim
that a Conservative government would pose no threat to the living standards
and democratic rights of working people. Yet, this is precisely what the media
has done. Editorial endorsements of a Conservative election victory by such establishment
newspapers as Toronto’s Globe & Mail and Montreal’s La Presse
have been justified on the grounds that the 46-year-old Harper has moved his
Conservatives sufficiently to the center of the political spectrum to make them
a viable “mainstream” alternative to a tired and ineffective Liberal
regime. Any dissonant voice—pointing to Stephen Harper’s life-long ideological
struggle against “big government” and for the absolute rule of the
market over all aspects of social policy, his close links with the American
neo-conservative movement and admiration for the Bush administration, his agitation
for the build-up of Canada’s military forces as part of a more aggressive
foreign policy—is met by ridicule. Since Harper’s very public political record cannot be effaced, his biography
has been spun by his handlers and the corporate media as that of an angry young
man (Globe columnist John Ibbitson concedes Harper was a “zealot”)
who has undergone a process of political maturation. In fact, the rise to prominence of Harper and his new Conservative Party is
a product on the one hand of the Canadian elite’s shift ever further to
the right—defence of the Medicare system is now pilloried as ideological
extremism—and of the refashioning of the political movement with which
Harper first came to prominence (the Reform/Canadian Alliance) into a political
instrument better connected with and more pliant to big business. At 25, Harper was very active in supporting the Conservatives in the 1984 federal
election, and shortly after the coming to power of the Mulroney Progressive
Conservative government, he went to Ottawa to serve as the chief parliamentary
aide to a Tory MP. The Mulroney Conservatives sought to implement policies patterned
after those of US President Ronald Reagan and British Prime Minister Margaret
Thatcher, but Harper left the government after a year, because he considered
it was betraying neo-conservative principles. In 1987 he joined Preston Manning’s
newly founded, right-wing populist party and soon became the Reform Party’s
first policy advisor. In this capacity, Harper played a leading role in Reform’s
campaign in the late 1980s and early 1990s for massive social spending cuts
in the name of eliminating Ottawa’s multibillion-dollar annual budget
deficit—a policy that would eventually be embraced by governments throughout
the country. Harper also played a key role in the development of a new hard-line
strategy to counter the threat of Quebec’s secession from Canada, the
so-called Plan B. The federal Liberal government drew heavily on Plan B in the
aftermath of the 1995 Quebec referendum, eventually drafting legislation, the
Clarity Act, that makes the federal parliament the sole arbitrator of what constitutes
a “clear” question and a “clear” majority in any future
referendum vote and threatens a seceding Quebec with partition. This staunch right-winger, we are now told by the media, has evolved into a
moderate, center-right bourgeois politician. It is true that the transformation
of the western-based, right-wing populist Reform Party into a national contender
for power—first morphing into the Canadian Alliance and then merging with
the remnants of the old Progressive Conservatives—has meant a certain
marginalization of its initial rural-based, religious-right constituency. This
petty-bourgeois socially conservative element has been put on a leash. Although
many social conservative activists are standing as Conservative candidates,
Harper has ordered them to shut up about the abortion issues, immigration and
the reinstatement of capital punishment. The major concession he made to them
in the party program is that a Conservative government will allow free vote
in Parliament on whether to strip gays of the right to marry. (But to the delight
of big business, which considers this issue a diversion from carrying out right-wing
changes in socio-economic policy, Harper has said he will not use the constitution’s
“notwithstanding” to overturn a likely Supreme Court ruling that
such action is in violation of Canada’s Charter of Rights.) Another key reason Harper has won corporate Canada’s acceptance as a
possible future prime minister is that he has tempered his enthusiasm for the
demands of sections of big business in western Canada, especially Alberta, for
a greater share of political power and for an end to the “conciliation”
of Quebec. Harper has placated Bay Street by attracting leading aides of ex-Ontario
Tory Premier Mike Harris and by enlisting the support of his own-time bête
noire Mulroney. The former Progressive Conservative prime minister is a close
personal friend of the Bush family and remains one of the country’s most
influential corporate lawyers. Under Mulroney’s tutelage, Harper has developed
a new and much-celebrated “openness” to Quebec—that is, to
the demands of sections of the Quebec elite for greater autonomy from Ottawa. An opening shot Media pundits claim there are no substantive differences between the Liberal
and Conservative platforms. But a concrete examination of the issues reveals
differences that express the Liberals’ reluctance, in the face of mass
popular opposition, to launch an all-out offensive aimed at razing what remains
of the welfare state and to entirely jettison the Canadian government’s
claim that Canada is a pacific not militaristic nation. The Conservatives, meanwhile,
speak for the dominant section of the ruling class, which has grown increasingly
frustrated with what it perceives to be Liberal foot-dragging and lack of political
courage in imposing unpopular policies. These elements want a full and irrevocable
break with all remnants of social compromise at home and want Canada to unabashedly
use its military power in pursuit of greater global geo-political influence. On fiscal policy, both parties propose massive tax cuts that
will disproportionately benefit the rich while reducing the government’s
social spending ability. Yet, alongside a populist-style promise of a minor
reduction in the regressive GST consumer tax, the Conservatives are proposing
the virtual elimination of the tax on capital gains—the income component
that is the most highly concentrated among the wealthiest households. Back in
2000, the Liberals “merely” cut the portion of capital gains subject
to income tax from 75 to 50 per cent. Under the Conservative “roll-over”
plan, the tax can be indefinitely deferred as long as the proceeds from the
sale of assets or family estates are reinvested within six months. On child care, the Liberals have made much of their C$5 billion
deal over five years with the provinces to create more subsidized day-care spaces.
Fundamentally opposed to anything with any resemblance to a universal social
program, the Conservatives denounce in their platform the Liberals and the NDP
for believing “that the only answer to expanding childcare in Canada is
their one-size-fits-all plan to build a massive childcare bureaucracy.”
The Conservatives propose instead a new C$1,200-per-year child care allowance
for children under the age of six that will benefit high-income, single-wage-earner
families over lower-income families in which both parents work. On the fiscal imbalance between the federal and provincial
levels of government, Harper’s willingness to put on the agenda the traditional
demands of Quebec’s ruling elite for a greater share of federal revenues
has been denounced by Martin as a costly concession to Quebec nationalists.
Devolution of power from Ottawa to the provinces is actually seen by the Conservatives
as a vehicle for the dismantling of federally backed social programs. In a January
2001 letter to Alberta Premier Ralph Klein, Harper wrote : “It is imperative
to take the initiative, to build firewalls around Alberta, to limit the extent
to which an aggressive and hostile federal government can encroach upon legitimate
provincial jurisdiction.” Harper’s seeming indifference to Alberta
or Quebec or any other province wrestling more powers from Ottawa—which
is anathema to the Liberals’ historic orientation for a strong central
government and “National Unity”—is rooted in his radical-right
views. As far back as 1994, Harper said very explicitly, “Whether Canada
ends up with one national government or two governments or ten governments,
the Canadian people will require less government no matter what the constitutional
status or arrangement of any future country may be.” On the military, the Conservatives have pledged C$5.3-billion
of new spending over five years on the armed forces, and the addition of 13,000
regular forces and 10,000 reserve forces personnel. The Conservatives have repeatedly
denounced the Liberal government’s failure to join the US-led Iraq War,
a position Harper called “abrasively neutral.” As the US’s
illegal invasion of the oil-rich country was under way in March 2003, Harper
said in a TV appearance, “This government’s only explanation for
not standing behind our allies is that they couldn’t get the approval
of the Security Council at the United Nations—a body [on] which Canada
doesn’t even have a seat.” The following month, Harper said in a
speech, “The time has come to recognize that the US will continue to exercise
unprecedented power in a world where international rules are still unreliable
and where security and advancing of the free democratic order still depend significantly
on the possession and use of military might.” He called for Canada to
replace the “soft power” of peacekeeping with “hard military
power.” The Conservative election platform also advances a series of tough law-and-order
measures such as a “a constitutional amendment to forbid prisoners in
federal institutions from voting in elections”; the hiring of 1,000 new
RCMP [Royal Canadian Mounted Police] officers and 2,500 more police; the creation
of a “Canadian Foreign Intelligence Agency to effectively gather intelligence
overseas”; and a plan to “ensure that anyone 14 years or older who
is charged with serious violent or repeat offences is automatically subject
to adult sentencing provisions.” In their totality, these measures amount
to a major encroachment on democratic rights. The Conservatives’ health care policy is thoroughly deceptive. Their
platform says the party is “committed to a universal, publicly funded
health care system.” At the same time, it proposes a “Patient Wait
Times Guarantee” to ensure timely medical treatment “as required
by the Supreme Court of Canada’s Chaouilli decision.” This case
saw the country’s top court rule that the prohibition of privately insured
health care, given the public system’s clinically unacceptable waiting
times, violated a patient’s basic right to security of person. Stripped
of the legal jargon, this judgment is a green light for the privatization of
health care, since the courts have refused to stipulate that the state has a
legal obligation to provide health care to its citizens. The explicit reference
to Chaouilli is a clear signal of the Conservatives’ readiness to allow
the development of a two-tier health care system in which the wealthy will get
quality medical treatment while the public system continues to deteriorate. Despite the thoroughly dishonest media repackaging of Harper and his Conservatives
as “kinder and gentler” (in a Canadian-style rerun of the first
President Bush’s US election campaign), the Conservatives have started
letting the cat out of the bag as they widen their lead in the polls and become
more confident that they will form Canada’s next government. In the last
week, Harper has floated a series of provocative proposals such as removing
Canada’s signature on the Kyoto environmental agreement, reviving a Liberal
bill aimed at paving the way for integrating Canada’s Indian reservations
more fully into the capitalist economy, and holding a free vote in Parliament
on Canadian participation in the US missile-defence shield. Using the terminology
of the social conservative ideologues, Harper also denounced pro-Liberal “activist”
judges. To gain more insight into Harper’s real political thinking, one can turn
to a June 1997 speech he delivered before a right-wing US think tank, the Council
for National Policy. In his speech, Harper denounced Canada as a “Northern
European welfare state in the worst sense of the term” and described the
US neo-conservative movement “as a light and an inspiration to people”
in Canada and “across the world.” This speech is widely available on the Internet and quite relevant to the current
election campaign, especially with polls predicting a Harper victory. Yet, when
it was cited in the beginning of the campaign, the corporate media dismissed
it as stale news. The message it wants Canadians to hear is that the leader
of the new Conservatives has “evolved” into a moderate and responsible
statesman. In a rare candid moment, Harper himself said something quite different:
“I don’t think my fundamental beliefs have changed in a decade.” |