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Sharon: End of an unrepentant terrorist
Entered into the database on Saturday, January 07th, 2006 @ 18:40:16 MST


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All Arabs, whether Egyptians, Palestinians, Lebanese or Jordanians, put ARIEL SHARON at the top of the list of Israeli leaders who treated them with both violence and contempt. To the Arab world at large, the image of the ailing Prime Minister is solidly fixed as the “Butcher” or the “War Criminal”, and the basic feeling now at the prospect of his death was that it would be a shame if he passed away peacefully in bed.

"I have always wished to live to see the day that SHARON was dying," a 60-year-old Lebanese woman identified as Um Ali Mikdad, who said she survived the 1982 Sabra and Shatila massacre, told Reuters. "But I wished he would be killed by a fighter's bullet, not die in his bed."

In the streets of Ramallah, a Palestinian man said: "I do not care about SHARON. Sick or not, he is a criminal, a war criminal, who massacred many people."

Another 44-year-old Egyptian businessman, interviewed in a street in Cairo, said that SHARON is “a war criminal, and he should be tried while he’s alive”. Sadd Eddin also said: “I don’t want him to die, I want him to live, paralyzed and suffering."

Palestinians' feelings of happiness that SHARON's era ended are mixed with their fears of the future. To them, the ailing butcher is the devil they know. "Now it is clear that Israel needs a leadership that proceeds strongly toward peace, or else the extremist right will hijack the situation," says Hanan Ashrawi, the Palestinian legislator and prominent negotiator.

Some Palestinians are so desperate. "The faces change, but they all have the same plan, to smash the Palestinian people," says Muhammad Ali, a businessman living in Ramallah.

An article on shows why SHARON is hated in the Arab world. It says that his lack of appetite for peace made him responsible for the Qibya massacre in 1953, in which 69 Palestinians died. He is also accused of ordering the killing of Egyptian prisoner of war in Sinai in 1956. But the deadliest crime he is responsible for was against Palestinian refugees in the camps of Sabra and Shatila in 1982.

The ailing leader also bears responsibility for the continuous demolition of Palestinian homes in the occupied territories, and, of course, the daily killings of Palestinian civilians, including women and even children who pose no threat to the Israelis.

Another editorial on, describes SHARON as the "the master terrorist" who doesn’t value the lives of humans. It states that he used the Palestinian INTIFADA, or uprising, as an excuse to justify his horrible crimes in the occupied territories. Arab calls to end his war crimes fall on deaf ears. The world is silent to the atrocities committed against the Palestinians, who are forced to live in concentration camps into which the Israelis have cornered them. Every day, the Israelis discover new ways to humiliate, murder, maim and torture the Palestinian people simply because they live on their own land and because the Israelis want to take away what is left of Palestine. For 52 years, the Palestinians have been the victims of Israeli aggression, occupation and lies.

Palestinians homes are demolished, farmland destroyed, olive and fruit trees uprooted, water supplies shut off or poisoned, electricity cut off, businesses sabotaged, schools shelled, residential areas bombed, and civilians tortured and incarcerated. There is no justification whatsoever for such horrible crimes. And yet nobody stood up to the world and condemned the savage practices of "a bloodthirsty butcher" whose only goal is to exterminate the Palestinians.

The Palestinians don’t possess warplanes, gunboats, tanks or helicopters that they could use to attack their aggressors with. They are not given more than $5 billion dollars by the U.S. government like the Israelis, nor are they armed with the latest and most sophisticated of U.S. weapons. The only weapon most Palestinians have against their killers are stones.

The world began to realize that the major obstacle to peace is Israeli colonization and oppression of native Palestinians in violation of International law and over 60 UN Security Council resolutions. Now the international community knows that the U.S. support to Israel was critical in its evasion of International Law.

The world now began to recognize the U.S.’s double standards when it condemns the Palestinian resistance (which resists occupation) and defends the occupier. It is impossible to expect no reaction from people who have been abused, tortured and horribly mistreated. However, this is just exactly what Sharon wants. He wants to push the Palestinians into a corner, force them to fight back so he will have an excuse to kill more infants, more school children, more innocent civilians.

“We will carry out a war to the bitter end against the terrorists, those who help them and those who dispatch them,” SHARON was once quoted as saying. But he is the master terrorist. He should wage war against himself. The ailing prime minister is the worst enemy of Israel and he already has the blood of 20,000 Lebanese and Palestinians on his hands when he ordered the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982.

The Palestinians are surrounded by enemies who want to either drive them out of their land or to wipe them off the face of earth. The world should know the U.S. is biased when it hails Israel's “unilateral” moves, which involves separation walls, as peaceful solutions. As long as imperialists and ZIONISTS support the terror policies of Israel, there will never be peace. Palestinians have the right to have their land back, and they have the right to life, freedom and peace. It is time to take a stand and stop this ethnic cleansing. It is time the world hits terrorism at its core.