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Marines recruiting 8-year olds -- NO JOKE!
by Yellow Dog Dem Woman    Daily Kos
Entered into the database on Friday, January 06th, 2006 @ 19:05:22 MST


Untitled Document

The Marines now seem to be recruiting 8-year olds (got to meet those recruitment quotas!). Sheesh! This was forwarded to me by a friend, who is the spouse of a school principal. The principal had found it frightening that the recruiter seemed to have contacted all county elementary schools principals. Oh yeah -- I forgot: NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND.

Yellow Dog Dem Woman's diary

One of the principals who received this email found it "scary," and commented "Does this look like the young Nazis or what?" In fact, a photo posted at their website, under the history of the Young Marines, is shockingly similar to a photo of Hitler Youth.

Chris Hardin, Commanding Officer, Sumner County Young Marines sent this email:

From: Sumner County Young Marines [mailto:sumnercountyym@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 10:47 PM
To: [I've deleted the email addresses of the school principals]
Subject: Sumner County Young Marines
Importance: High

Dear Principals:

My name is Chris Hardin and I am the Commanding Officer for the Sumner County Young Marines. The reason I am contacting you is to see if my staff and I may either come into the schools and inform the children of the program or to see if we can send literature to the school and it be sent home with the children. We are starting a new session the beginning of February. My staff and I would like to get the information to the children no later than January 27th.

Below you will find some information about the program. Please take a moment and read over it and let me know which option would be available.

Who we are

The Young Marines is a youth education and service programs for boys and girls, ages 8 through completion of high school. The Young Marines promotes the mental, moral, and physical development of its members. The program focuses on character building, leadership, and promotes a healthy, drug-free lifestyle. The Young Marines is the official youth program of the U.S. Marine

Corps and the focal point for the Marine Corps' Youth Drug Demand Reduction efforts.


The Young Marines is open to all youth ages 8 through completion of high school. The only membership requirement is that the youth must be in good standing at school. Since the Young Marines' humble beginnings, in 1958, with one unit and a handful of boys, the organization has grown to over 240 units with 10,000 youth and 3,000 adult volunteers in 46 states, the District of Columbia, and, Germany, Japan and affiliates in a host of other countries.

Our Volunteers

Young Marine units are community-based programs lead by dedicated adult volunteers. Many of these volunteers are former, retired, active duty, or reserve Marines who believe passionately that the values they learned as Marines had a positive affect on them. It is through these caring adults that Young Marines learn the inner values of Honor, Courage and Commitment. Adult volunteers are individually screened by the National Headquarters based on background information and recommendations provided with each person's registration.


Upon joining a local Young Marine unit, youth undergo a 26-hour orientation program, generally spread out over several weekly meetings. This orientation program is affectionately called "Boot Camp." The youth learn general subjects such as history, customs and courtesies, close order drill, physical fitness, and military rank structure. After graduating from Young Marine "Boot Camp", the youth have the opportunity to learn more new skills, earn rank, wear the Young Marine uniform and work toward ribbon awards. Young Marines earn ribbons for achievement in areas such as leadership, community service, swimming, academic excellence, first aid and drug resistance education.

R.Lee Ermey, the Young Marines official celebrity spokesperson

The Young Marines are honored to have R. Lee Ermey as their official celebrity spokesperson. Mr. Ermey garnered worldwide acclaim for his portrayal of Drill Instructor Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in Stanley Kubrik's film Full Metal Jacket (1987). Ermey is the host of the History Channel's hit show, Mail Call.

Chester, the official mascot of the Young Marines

Chester, the puppy bulldog, is the Young Marines official mascot. Chester enjoys all the benefits of Young Marine membership such as the opportunity to earn rank and ribbons, wear the Young Marine uniform, and a free subscription to the Young Marine Esprit magazine. Chester sometimes even makes guest appearances at unit meetings, graduations, and training conferences.

Young Marines Veterans Appreciation Week

For one week in November each year, Young Marine units across the country celebrate Young Marines Veterans Appreciation Week (YMVAW). The purpose of the campaign is to challenge our Young Marines to dedicate some of their time to help our nation's veterans and to demonstrate, through their actions, their sincere appreciation for our veterans' service to our country. Unit projects include sending thank you cards to hospitalized veterans, cleaning up a disabled veterans yard, visiting veterans in the hospital, or simply setting up a community function to socialize with local veterans.


The mission of the Young Marines is to positively impact America's future by providing quality youth development programs for boys and girls that nurtures and develops its members into responsible citizens who enjoy and promote a healthy, drug-free lifestyle.


Strengthening the lives of America's youth

Young Marine Obligation

From this day forward, I sincerely promise, I will set an example for all other youth to follow and I shall never do anything that would bring disgrace or dishonor upon God, my Country and its flag, my parents, myself or the Young Marines.

These I will honor and respect in a manner that will reflect credit upon them and myself.

Semper Fidelis.

Young Marine Creed

1. Obey my parents and all others in charge of me whether young or old.

2. Keep myself neat at all times without other people telling me to.

3. Keep myself clean in mind by attending the church of my faith.

4. Keep my mind alert to learn in school, at home or at play.

5. Remember having self-discipline will enable me to control my body and mind in case of an emergency.

For more information on the Young Marine program, please visit our web site at www.youngmarines.com

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me on my cell phone at 349.6167.

Chris Hardin
Commanding Officer
Sumner County Young Marines
*[street address deleted]*
Gallatin, TN 37066

(615) 451-0077 (Home/ Fax)

Email: sumnercountyym@bellsouth.net

"Semper Fi"

The recruiter's phone number is listed on their website --http://www.youngmarines.com (the link to which I do not seem to be able to embed -- sorry!) -- so I don't feel I'm giving away any private information.

Interesting that the Young Marine Obligation includes the words," shall never do anything that would bring disgrace or dishonor upon God." Also interesting that #3 of the codes says, "Keep myself clean in mind by attending the church of my faith." Does that mean children of athiests need not apply? Or that children who are Wickens are welcomed?

A former Marine I know had this to say: "Those kids need to be getting much of the same discipline and fitness through the Boy and Girl Scouts and not the military." Good -- so it's not just me!!

Stay strong!