Ahmed Chalabi – Petroleum’s Point Man |
by William Bowles Investigating New Imperialism Entered into the database on Wednesday, January 04th, 2006 @ 20:01:45 MST |
He’s a criminal banker … He’s a swindler. He’s
interested in getting money, and I suspect it’s all gone into his bank
accounts and those of his friends – James E. Akins, former
US ambassador to Saudi Arabia. Convicted fraudster, bagman, carpetbagger, (dis)informant, playboy, opportunist,
failed mercenary army leader, go-between creature of imperialism, of one thing
we can be sure, Ahmed Chalabi is a survivor by virtue of (almost) always being
on the ‘right’ side. Son of a wealthy Hashemite family with connections to British colonialism going
back to the 1920s, he now occupies the most powerful position in the post-Saddam
puppet hierarchy, head of the oil ministry, no doubt a position he has coveted
for some time. And moreover, a position he has been groomed for by his US masters. That Chalabi is a liar is on record. An internal New York Times e-mail
reported by the Washington Post said Chalabi “has provided most
of the front-page exclusives on WMD to our paper” and added that a team
of U.S. troops searching for chemical and biological weapons in Iraq was “using
Chalabi’s intel [intelligence] and document network for its own WMD work.” We did not go and say that we have specific information about operational
weapons of mass destruction. We did not vouch for any information.
– Ahmed Chalabi, November 15, 2005 I would say to you that we gave very accurate information [to the
US about WMD], and we produced people whom we handed over to the United States
who told them very significant things. – Ahmed Chalabi, interviewed
by Tom Brokaw, NBC News at the Council of Foreign Relations, June 10, 2003 “He’s deep in the Arab world and at the same time he is fundamentally
a man of the West” says Max Singer, co-founder of the right-wing think-tank,
the Hudson Institute. [1] Just how deep is open to question
considering his miserable showing in the recent ‘elections’ in Iraq
where he got an estimated 8,645 votes in the Baghdad area, well below the number
needed to win a seat in the ‘government’. But the nature of a vote
in an Iraq under occupation is very much a fluid concept, so the fact that he
got all but wiped out probably doesn’t mean much. More important is the
fact that Chalabi is as Singer says, fundamentally a man of the West and in
particular, a man of the oil companies. Much of the debate about Ahmed Chalabi, regardless of whose ‘man’
the political pundits think he is, whether the CIA’s or the DIA’s
or the Israelis or the ‘neo-cons’, is irrelevant, Chalabi is first
and foremost a creature of Big Oil. Precisely what role he plays in the process
is revealed by his past and especially his connections to corporations like
Exxon. He is on record as being the man who will deliver Iraq’s oil back
to the West. Unable to restrain himself, Chalabi blurted to the Washington Post
that the INC intends to reward its American friends. “American companies
will have a big shot at Iraqi oil,” he proclaimed. [2] It is popular amongst Western pundits of both the left and the right, to talk
of how Chalabi has ‘used’ the West to further his own ambitions
and no doubt he has them, the question is, as with Israel, who is using whom? No doubt Chalabi’s close associations with the so-called neo-cons, Wolfowitz,
Perle, Ledeen, Cheney and so forth has given him unique access to the corridors
of power that line the Beltway, but let us not be misled into thinking that
Chalibi’s Armani-suited tail wags the imperial dog. For example, we read of how Chalabi has been trying get the US to invade Iraq
for years, thus his supplying of disinformation about WMD through his chosen
conduit Judith Miller aka the New York Times, and whilst it is true
that any and everything which would strengthen the hand of the imperium has
been welcome fodder for the dogs of war, the plain and simple fact is that ever
since Saddam nationalised the oil companies in 1972, Exxon, Shell et al have
been trying to get their grubby hands on all that black gold once again. Chalabi
has, over the past years, made sure that when it came to who was going to deliver
it, he would be the man. So too, and for the same reasons, he has cultivated
a close relationship with Zionist Israel, who also covet access to all that
oil, long denied them by Iraq. Exxon Mobil which made a profit of $9.9bn, the largest in US corporate history
in the last quarter of 2005. Profit was up 75% and revenue rose 32% to more
than $100bn and Shell, the second largest oil company which also posted a profit
of $9 billion during the same period, stand to gain the most. That oil is central to Western economic interests is a matter of historical
record. Two world wars have been fought over oil and innumerable smaller ones
over the control of related resources central to the unending expansion of capital
accumulation and access to the markets necessary to keep capitalism a going
concern. In stark contrast, the corporate media has done everything in its power
to hide this reality from an increasingly sceptical public. Conspiracy theories abound … Others claim it [the invasion
of Iraq] was inspired by oil … [This] theor[y is] largely nonsense.
The Independent April 16, 2003. Let me deal with the conspiracy theory idea that this is somehow
to do with oil. There is no way whatever if oil were the issue that it would
not be infinitely simpler to cut a deal with Saddam – The
Times 15 April, 2003 The oil ‘crisis’ of the early 1970s, precipitated by the nationalisation
of the major sources of oil in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran,
which ended the supply of cheap oil for the West, has never been forgiven by
the major oil corporations such as Exxon and Shell. Ever since, the West has
done everything in its power to regain control. “Even in Saudi Arabia, all we can do is buy their oil,”
says an American oil company official. U.S. companies, this executive confirmed,
want to return to greater direct control, perhaps through so-called production-sharing
agreements that would give them both a direct stake in the oil fields and
a greater share of the profits. [3] In 2002 right-wing think tank, the Heritage Foundation published a document
“The Future of a Post-Saddam Iraq: A Blueprint for American Involvement,”[4]
which advocated a plan for the privatization of Iraq’s oil, creating three
separate companies for southern Iraq, the region around Baghdad and the Kirkuk
fields in northern Iraq, with additional companies to operate pipelines and
refineries and to develop Iraq’s natural gas. [The war] has nothing to do with oil, literally nothing to do with
oil. – Donald Rumsfeld, 11/14/02, CBS News The divisions within the US power elite is about how best get hold of Iraq’s
oil. It explains why Chalabi has been in and out of favour over the past three
years as the strategic plan to steal Iraq’s oil unravelled. But all’s
well that ends well, and by hook or by crook, Chalabi has at long last succeeded
in getting what his masters wanted; to be in charge of giving away Iraq’s
oil. The objectives outlined in the Heritage Foundation document has at long
last been realised, Washington and London plan to fast-track billions of dollars worth
of oil contracts as soon as possible in the new year and well before the new
parliament gets its political footing. Ahmed Chalabi, now chairman of Iraq’s
Energy Council and czar of the country’s oil riches, has been preparing
for this moment for a long time. He and his cronies have prepared a new oil
law, highly favorable to the likes of Exxon and BP, and they will submit it
immediately to the new parliament. Under the watchful eye of the ‘multinational
force,’ contracts for fabulous oilfields like Majnoon are being readied
and will soon be signed. – James Paul, Executive Director of
the Global Policy Forum, November 9, 2005 Why the US in particular has set so much store on Chalabi is, at first sight
puzzling as his track record so far is not particularly inspiring whether it
was his disastrous Iraqi National Congress-led ‘uprising’ in Kurdish
Iraq in 1996 or his attempts to import a US-backed ‘army’ into Iraq
following the capture of Baghdad in 2003, or his supply of disinformation to
Judith Miller of the New York Times regarding Iraq’s non-existent
WMD. Until that is, one considers that almost alone amongst the quislings in
Baghdad, he has unique access to both the key strategic planners in Washington
and to Big Oil. In all likelyhood, Chalabi’s tiff with Paul Bremer was
about the disastrous post-invasion situation. But that’s all behind the
pirates now. Chalabi’s cheerleaders include the Washington Institute for
Near East Policy (WINEP) and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
(JINSA). “Chalabi is the one that we know the best,” says Shoshana
Bryen, director of special projects for JINSA, where Chalabi has been a frequent
guest at board meetings, symposia and other events since 1997. “He could
be Iraq’s national leader,” says Patrick Clawson, deputy director
of WINEP, whose board of advisers includes pro-Israeli luminaries such as
Perle, Wolfowitz and Martin Peretz of The New Republic. [5] Well whatever, one thing is clear, Chalabi is absolutely typical of the kind
of individual the US have backed in innumerable countries that have defied US
objectives, including ironically Saddam Hussein himself. If US backing for Chalabi
reveals anything it is the cynical manipulation by US imperialism of individuals
such as Chalabi, who although having his own agenda, largely I suspect personal
aggrandizement and an over-inflated sense of his own importance in the scheme
of things, is merely a pawn in a much larger game. On one level it reveals just how little the US planners really know about the
situation in the Middle East but then this is not surprising given that they
rely largely on a parasitic intelligence operation called the CIA that in turn
relies on an army of paid informants who it is clear from all the evidence available
to us, will tell their paymasters pretty much whatever it is they want to hear
in exchange for the greenback. Philip Agee’s accounts of his time with the CIA in Mexico and in Angola
are indicative of the way the CIA functions, typical of any bureaucratic organisation,
where ‘results’ guarantee promotion, results being the number of
reports generated about communists, terrorists or whatever, with those in Washington
in no position to verify such accounts and in any case, it is the larger strategic
objectives that count, such reports are all grist for the mill regardless of
their accuracy. So, if the imperium needs a justification for an invasion, there are sure to
be people willing to supply them with just what they need to hear—for
a price. Such was the case with Chalabi’s INC which until the Kurdish
debacle in 1996 had received at least $100 million from the CIA and since that
time unknown amounts through Republican Party slush funds channelled through
the Iraq Liberation Act, and from the Defence Intelligence Agency, his replacement
‘mentor’ since being dropped by the CIA following the Judith Miller
‘revelations’. One figure puts it at around $70 million much it,
according to accounts, disappearing into the personal banks accounts of Chalabi’s
cronies. Regardless of what the Western media continue to peddle regarding the role
of oil in the invasion and occupation of Iraq—that putting oil at the
centre of the occupation exists only in the fevered imaginations of a clique
of conspiracists—there is no doubt that central to US Middle East policy
is the oil. After all, should it become common knowledge that the entire propaganda
campaign was designed precisely to mask the USUK’s real intentions—grabbing
Iraq’s oil—then there could be no justification either for the invasion
or for the continued occupation. “I would say that especially the U.S. oil companies …
look forward to the idea that Iraq will be open for business.”
[5] The in-depth report, ‘Crude
Designs’, which I wrote
about recently, reveals the true nature of the occupation’s real intentions
and reveals just how long-standing these objectives have been in place. Our
number one objective should be to expose the imperial designs of the US and
the UK. Set within this context, Ahmed Chalabi is merely one link in a long
chain that leads back to Big Oil. Notes 1. Robert Dreyfuss, "Tinker, Banker, NeoCon, Spy,"
The American Prospect vol. 13 no. 21, November 18, 2002. 2.ibid 3.ibid 4. “In Post-War Iraq, Use Military Forces to Secure
Vital U.S. Interests, Not for Nation-Building” and you can’t put
it plainer than that. 5. op cit Some further reading AHMED CHALABI –
AND OIL William Bowles 22 April, 2003 Oil
in Iraq: the heart of the Crisis, James A. Paul, Global Policy Forum December,
2002 And for an example of the kind of thinking that drives the pirates see, Rumsfeld:
It Would Be A Short War, Nov. 15, 2002 There are many sources which highlight the centrality of oil to US foreign
policy eg, Or check out this source on oil as being at the heart of the US policy on the
Middle East, In
Iraqi War Scenario, Oil Is Key Issue Peter Dale Scott’s book Drugs,
Oil and War US dollar hegemony
has got to go, by Henry CK Liu, Asia Times Online |