Another British person captured in Iraq |
Entered into the database on Wednesday, October 05th, 2005 @ 10:06:59 MST |
Let's kick off today with a report from Aljazeera that a British man by the name
of Colin Peter was captured by Iraqi border guards in the south of the country: "We can confirm that a UK national has been arrested by the
Iraqi department of border enforcement," a British military spokesman
said, adding that the Foreign Office was investigating the arrest, which
was believed to have taken place on Monday night. An Iraqi border guard spokesman in Najaf, Saadun al-Jaabari, said
guards arrested "a terrorist group consisting of 10 people, including
one British national called Colin Peter, near Mathlum, near the Saudi border".
The other nine were Iraqis from the southern city of Basra, he
said. The group was armed with machine guns and was carrying a video
camera, a satellite telephone, and GPS satellite-tracking device, al-Jaabari
added. No rushing to judgment here, please. This man may have been a smuggler, a convert
who wanted to fight for Iraq, an intelligence officer, or a documentary film-maker. I am sure more will unravel in the hours and days to come. Meanwhile, more reports of abuse of Iraqi persons have made it to the headlines.
It is now known, from reports by US military personnel, that the abuses were
not localized to the infamous Abu Ghraib prison. From the volume of reports compiled by human rights groups, it now appears
this behavior on the part of the US military was organized, consistent, and
sanctioned. It also appears it was rampant. Therefore, the statement US President George
Bush repeated time and again that the torture was the work of a demented few
is erroneous at best, a fabrication at worst. According to Human Rights Watch, in a report published at Australia's
Sunday Herald: One sergeant provided graphic descriptions to Human Rights Watch investigators
about acts of abuse carried out both by himself and others. He now says
he regrets his actions. His regiment arrived at FOB Mercury in August 2003.
He said: " The first interrogation that I observed was the first time
I saw a PUC pushed to the brink of a stroke or a heart attack. At first
I was surprised, like, 'This is what we are allowed to do?'" The troops would put sand-bags on prisoners' heads and cuff them with plastic
zip-ties. The sergeant, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said if he
was told that prisoners had been found with homemade bombs, "we would
f*** them up, put them in stress positions and put them in a tent and withhold
water … It was like a game. You know, how far could you make this
guy go before he passes out or just collapses on you?" These are not reassuring statements from representatives of the US military,
which itself is tantamount to an ambassadorship, if you will, to the rest of
the world. We hear talk of protecting the rights of minorities in different parts of the
world - in China, Saudi Arabia, Chechnya, Cuba, Sierra Leone, etc. But when
the protector turns out to have a few torturous tricks up his sleeves, what
are we to think? We hear talk of the clash of civilizations, but all I see and hear is the clash
of boots and gear in the race to see which "western civilized" country
can inflict more harm and damage on the downtrodden. Do you remember the one about the Belgians - those champions of western civilization
- roasting a Somali person over a fire? No? Well, here you go. Cry fake all you want because the Belgian soldiers admitted
it. Does the world protest? Hell no, what's another black kid killed or tortured? And in Iraq, what's another dead Iraqi? After all, didn't the US soldier who
sent a picture of a dead Iraqi to a website write the caption - "what every
Iraqi should look like"? US President Bush went on television and told the world there is progress in
Iraq. Hell yeah, there is progress in Iraq. The Iraqi interior ministry announced
that the number of killed civilians they know of rose in September to 700+ up
from 500+ in August. Thank you for the progress, George. No wonder you were smiling in Baton Rouge
and New Orleans. You saw that as progress too. |