Tal Afar Under Media Carpet |
by Linda Heard Arab News Entered into the database on Tuesday, September 13th, 2005 @ 16:18:36 MST |
While the world has been falling all over itself to remember the victims
of 9-11 and digging deep in its pockets to aid the wealthiest nation on the
planet recovering from a natural disaster, a ferocious man-made onslaught on
a town in northeast Iraq is being virtually ignored. This is yet one more example of the double standards prevalent today when the
color of your passport can determine your worth as a human being. We saw this discrepancy recently when 1,000 Iraqis — mainly women and
children — who lost their lives on a Baghdad bridge were a mere footnote
in the Western media. And we are witnessing this discrepancy now as our screens fill with
images of Hurricane Katrina and 9-11 commemoration ceremonies with next to nothing
about the horrors of Tal Afar, a stricken town in northeast Iraq, accused of
harboring insurgents. Like the people of New Orleans, almost 90 percent of Tal Afar’s
residents have fled their homes. And like their American counterparts, the doors
of their houses are being smashed in by military forces, there to pacify the
town after weeks of bombing and shelling. The similarities don’t end there. While people of the US Gulf
Coast are suffering the effects of a cocktail of chemicals and effluent in the
flood waters, 170 residents of Tal Afar have fallen ill to “curious poisons”,
which according to Dr. Mohammed Qassem of the Iraqi Red Crescent could result
from “inhaling gases”. But unlike the unfortunates trapped for five days in the Superdome
and the Convention center who have been evacuated to air-conditioned reception
centers around the US, many of Tal Afar’s people can be found subsisting
under canvas without access to clean water, food and medicines. There is no
telethon for them. There are no convoys of aid-bearing trucks and planes, stuffed
with food and blankets, headed in their direction. The difference is the pleas of American victims were eventually heard loud
and clear but those of people trapped inside Tal Afar or forgotten around its
peripheries are lost in the ether. The afflicted of New Orleans deemed refugees
were insulted, while refugees from Tal Afar don’t have that luxury. Even
to be acknowledged at all would be a step up. Not only are Tal Afar’s civilians in peril and left to their own devices,
their neighbors can look forward to more of the same. “We tell our people
in Ramadi, Samarra, Rawa and Qaem that we are coming,” said Iraq’s
Defense Minister Saadan Al-Dulaimi. “We are warning those who give shelter to terrorists that they must stop,
kick them out, or else we will cut off their hands, heads and tongues as we
did in Tal Afar,” said this nice fellow, who was speaking figuratively
according to news reports. Let’s hope so! The mayor of Tal Afar says the problem is sectarian with Sunni Muslims being
targeted, those same Sunnis who are being asked to vote on the country’s
cobbled together new constitution, which threatens Iraq’s break-up. The
mayor believes the ousting of insurgents could have been achieved by negotiation
with Sunni tribal leaders. In New Orleans it was mainly poor African Americans held hostage to the deluge
while the rich sped north in their SUVs and are now employing armed security
guards — including those from Blackwater “a contractor” operating
in Iraq — to protect their mansions from looters. It’s a similar “strong versus weak” principle in Tal Afar
where organized insurgents are said to have escaped the city via a system of
clandestine tunnels leaving women, children and the elderly to their fate. Last Saturday, the Iraqi government, no doubt prodded by their American masters,
ordered the closing of the border with Syria which they say facilitates the
entry and exit of foreign terrorists. However, a local Iraqi journalist Nasir Ali told Al-Jazeera that there were
very few foreign combatants in the region. “Every time the US Army and
the Iraqi government want to destroy a specific city, they claim it hosts Arab
fighters and Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi,” he said. And just as in New Orleans where reporters have been dissuaded from taking
pictures of the dead with guns to their heads, the media is unwanted in Tal
Afar. The US, which discouraged independent journalists in Iraq from the outset,
has learned its lesson from Fallujah when a Marine was captured on video shooting
dead an unarmed, injured Iraqi on the floor of a mosque. On Sunday, the entire world remembered 9-11. So did Iraqis. For them it was
not only the day the hopes and dreams of 3,000 innocents were incinerated, it
also changed their world for ever. The Iraqi Girl Blogger Riverbend expresses
this far better than I can. After recounting the dismay she experiened while
watching the twin-towers fall, and describing her subsequent fears that her
country was in danger of being targeted for something it did not do, she writes: “For the 3,000 victims in America, more than 100,000 have died in Iraq.
Tens of thousands of others are being detained for interrogation and torture.
Our homes have been raided, our cities are constantly being bombed and Iraq
has fallen back decades. And for several years to come we will suffer under
the influence of the extremism we didn’t know prior to the war. “As I write this, Tal Afar, a small place north of Mosul, is being bombed.
Dozens of people are going to be buried under their homes in the dead of the
night. Their water and electricity has been cut off for days. It doesn’t
seem to matter much, though, because they don’t live in a wonderful skyscraper
in a glamorous city. They are, quite simply, farmers and herders not worth a
second thought”. Lastly, to those wealthy Arab countries racing to deposit millions
of dollars in US aid coffers, I would say this: How about sparing a little compassion
along with a few cents for your brothers and sisters in Iraq? |