America’s Crumbling Infrastructure Eroding Quality of Life |
from Newswise
Entered into the database on Thursday, March 10th, 2005 @ 02:21:14 MST |
“Americans are spending more time stuck in traffic and less time at home
with their families,” says ASCE President William P. Henry, P.E., F.ASCE.
“We need to establish a comprehensive, long-term infrastructure plan as
opposed to our current ‘patch and pray’ method to ensure a better
quality of life for everyone.” To remedy America’s current and looming problems, ASCE estimates an investment
need of $1.6 trillion over a five-year period from all levels of government
and the private sector. This amount does not include estimates for infrastructure
security needs. The investment needed for protecting our nation’s critical
infrastructure is still being defined within the Department of Homeland Security
framework. The 2005 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure assesses the same 12
infrastructure categories as in 2001, in addition to three new categories—public
parks and recreation, rail and security. While there has been some improvement
in aviation and schools, ASCE’s analysis indicates that overall conditions
have remained the same for bridges, dams and solid waste, and worsened in roads,
drinking water, transit, wastewater, hazard waste, navigable waterways and energy.
Grades range from a high of C+ for solid waste to a low of D- for drinking
water, navigable waterways and wastewater. Infrastructure security received
an incomplete. While the security of our nation’s critical infrastructure
has improved since Sept. 11, the information needed to accurately assess its
overall status is not readily available to engineering and design professionals.
However, along with capacity and condition, it is crucial to consider infrastructure
security in any discussion concerning solutions for improving our nation’s
infrastructure. Both drinking water and wastewater declined from a D to a D- in the past four
years. The nation’s drinking water system faces a staggering public investment
need to replace aging facilities, comply with safe drinking water regulations
and meet future needs. Federal funding in 2005 remains at $850 million, less
than 10 percent of the total national requirement. Aging wastewater systems
discharge billions of gallons of untreated sewage into U.S. surface waters each
year. The EPA estimates that the nation must invest $390 billion over the next
20 years to replace existing wastewater systems and build new ones to meet increasing
demand. Navigable waterways also received a D-, compared to a D+ in 2001. Waterways
are an excellent method for moving large volumes of bulk commodities at a fraction
of the cost of rail or trucks. Of the 257 locks on the more than 12,000 miles
of inland waterways operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, nearly 50
percent are functionally obsolete. By 2020, the number will increase to 80 percent.
The poor condition of these systems threatens commercial traffic that affects
our nation’s economy. In transportation, two categories have worsened—roads from D+ to D and
transit from C- to D+. Poor road conditions cost U.S. motorists $54 billion
a year in repairs and operating costs—$275 per motorist. Americans spend
3.5 billion hours a year stuck in traffic, at a cost of $63 billion a year to
the economy. Transit use increased faster than any other mode of transportation—up
21 percent in between 1993 and 2002. Yet, many transit properties are borrowing
funds to maintain operations, even as they are significantly raising fares and
cutting back service. While long-term Federal transportation programs remain
unauthorized since expiring on Sept. 30, 2003, the nation continues to shortchange
funding for needed transportation improvements. The other two areas in decline are energy and hazardous waste, both from a
D+ to D. The U.S. power transmission system is in urgent need of modernization.
Despite increased demand, transmission capacity has decreased. In addition,
maintenance expenditures have decreased 1 percent annually since 1992. In 2002,
the Department of Energy stated that the existing transmission system was not
designed to meet present demand, which could result in increased electricity
costs to consumers and greater risk of blackouts. The August 2003 blackout cost
billions of dollars in lost productivity and revenue. For hazardous waste, federal funding for cleanup of the nation’s worst
toxic waste sites has steadily decreased since 1998, reaching its lowest level
since 1986 in fiscal year 2005. There are 1,237 contaminated sites on the National
Priorities List, with a possible addition of 10,154. In 2003, there were 205
cities with “brownfields” sites awaiting cleanup that would generate
an estimated 576,373 jobs and $1.9 million annually if redeveloped. For three categories—bridges, dams and solid waste, the grades remained
the same as in 2001. Bridges received a C grade again. Between 2000 and 2003,
the percentage of the nation’s 590,750 bridges rated structurally deficient
or functionally obsolete decreased slightly from 28.5 percent to 27.1 percent.
However, one in three urban bridges was classified as structurally deficient
or functionally obsolete, much higher than the national average. It will cost
$9.4 billion a year for 20 years to eliminate all bridge deficiencies and long-term
underinvestment is compounded by the lack of a federal transportation program. For dams, the grade remained a D. Federally-owned dams are in good condition
and there have been modest gains in repair of small watershed dams. However,
since 1998, the number of unsafe dams has risen by 33 percent to more than 3,500.
It will take $10.1 billion over the next 12 years to address all critical non-federal
dams, dams which can pose a direct threat to human life should they fail. As in 2001 solid waste is again rated a C+. In 2002, Americans produced 369
million tons of solid waste and only about a quarter was recycled or recovered.
Though the nation’s operating municipal landfills are declining in total
numbers, the capacity has remained steady due to the construction of numerous
larger regional landfills. Nationally, states have disposal capacity for another
19-20 years, though a number of states are nearing the end of their ability
to manage waste within their borders and their equipment is at capacity and
aging. Only two categories improved slightly—aviation, given a D+ from a D,
and schools, rated a D compared to a D- in 2001. Much attention has been given
to airport security; however, airport capacity issues must be addressed to avoid
costly delays in the future. Demand for air travel is on the rebound with a
projected growth of 4.3 percent annually through 2015. Though federal funding
has increased significantly over previous years, airports also will face a new
challenge of accommodating increasing numbers of regional jets and new super-jumbo
jets. The Federal government has not assessed the condition of America’s schools
since 1999, when it estimated that $127 billion was needed to bring facilities
to good condition. Other sources have since reported a need as high as $268
billion. Despite public support of bond initiatives to provide funding for school
facilities, without a clear understanding of the need, it is uncertain whether
schools can meet increasing enrollment demands and the smaller class sizes mandated
by the No Child Left Behind Act. The other new categories—rail and public parks and recreation—both
received the same C- grade. Many of our nation’s public parks, beaches
and recreational harbors are falling into a state of disrepair. Much of the
initial construction was done more than 50 years ago. These facilities are anchors
for tourism and economic development and often provide the public’s only
access to the country’s cultural, historic and natural resources. The
National Park Service estimates a maintenance backlog of $6.1 billion for their
facilities. For the first time since World War II, limited rail capacity has created significant
chokepoints and delays. This problem will increase as freight rail is expected
to increase at least 50 percent by 2020. In addition, the use of rail for intercity
passenger and commuter rail service is increasingly being recognized as a worthwhile
transportation investment. A combined investment need of $12 to $13 billion
per year is needed to maintain existing rail infrastructure and expand for future
growth. The 2005 Report Card was assessed by an advisory council of 24 civil engineers
representing a broad spectrum of civil engineering disciplines. Each category
was evaluated on the basis of condition and performance as reported by federal
sources; capacity versus need; and current and pending investment of state,
local and federal funding versus need. For more information, including state
infrastructure statistics, visit Founded in 1852, ASCE represented more than 137,000 civil engineers worldwide,
and is America’s oldest national engineering society. ASCE celebrated
its 150th anniversary in 2002. |