The World According to the Neo-Con Sympathisers |
by Yamin Zakaria Information Clearing House Entered into the database on Sunday, July 17th, 2005 @ 12:06:53 MST |
07/16/05 "ICH" - - Almost everyday I get email responses to my essays,
usually containing lots of two word expletives, e.g. “sand nigger”,
“rag head”, “towel head”, “eat shit”, “sheep
lover”; almost all the emails originate from within the US. Apart from intellectual
bankruptcy, the replies also indicate a deep-seated hatred, shaped by a fanatical
mindset. Since stereotyping is wrong, I did ask myself the question, are those
Americans, exceptional or typical. Perhaps this is the result of ‘educating’ Americans at one level
by people like Thomas Friedman, Charles Krauthammer and Daniel Pipes. At a more
basic level, it is the result of getting informed by Hollywood movies, Jerry
Springer, Fox-TV and the likes. Fox-TV is where you get to see analytical ‘debates’
between an extreme neo-con and a moderate neo-con! I came to this conclusion
after encountering claims like, Afghans are Arabs, Muslims are a race, Muslims
are idol or moon worshippers, and Muslims are engaging in forced conversion
in the Darfur region, being all Muslims, maybe they are forcing each other to
convert from Islam to Islam! Anyway, I began to think about those two word responses, and thought of the
possibility of my being both, wrong and a “sand nigger”. There after,
I renounced all my previous writings, written whilst I was clearly misguided
and brainwashed by the Arabs and Muslim terrorists. What the neo-cons are saying
makes perfect sense, indeed Bush is guided by the Divine. Listed below is my
new view of history and the world. So, let us proceed with the issues, fasten
your seat belts, sit tight and I will show you the world according to the neo-cons,
Zionists, right-wing Republicans, fundamentalist Christians and the KKK. Muslims are Violent and Terrorists Throughout history, the Muslims have been the most violent people in the world.
They built cruel empires that committed numerous genocides by virtually annihilating
races like the Aztecs, Incas, and the Aboriginal populations. Imams (Muslim
preachers) deliberately sent blankets infected with chicken-pox, against which
the natives had no defence. This was their practice when the missionaries failed
to convert them into Islam. The natives were uprooted and placed in concentration
camps, herded like animals; millions perished. In Africa, the Muslim fanatics gave the Quran to the natives while they stole
their lands and committed grand theft, by mining and shipping abundant resources
like Gold, Titanium and Diamond back to Mecca. The Africans were also forced
into slavery, millions transported back to Arabia, some were made to work in
the plantations and this is how the Arab-Muslims became wealthy, and not through
the rich oil reserves as they claim. During the medieval period, the Muslim fanatics launched a major crusade to
liberate the holy lands in Europe. Salahuddin took 6,000 Christian prisoners
at Acre, including men, women and children, they were slaughtered, each one
beheaded. The blood ran knee-high in European cities, however, when Richard
III conquered some of the territories back, the Muslim prisoners were released
unharmed, given a safe passage out and they could not look at Richard, due to
the shame that they felt for the difference in conduct. The extremist Muslims
also launched the vicious inquisition in Spain, killing millions of Christians
and Jews, forcing them to convert or executing them en masse. Eventually many
of these Christians and Jews sought refuge in tolerant Europe, running away
from the evil Muslim fundamentalists, where they were free to practise their
faith and prosper. In the twentieth century, the war-mongering Muslims caused the largest wars
in history that culminated in the nuking of cities like Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
and they were on the verge of nuking Korea and China. Of course, they argued
such killings saved a lot of lives, especially the Muslim ones! Through these
wars, the first time in human history, civilians were deliberately targeted
as policy to break the will of their enemies, in air raids using incendiary
bombs. Cities like Dresden, Cologne and Tokyo suffered so greatly under Muslim
barbarity that the bombings caused human fat to flow knee high in some places,
adults and children were boiled alive. So it was, that the Muslims invented terrorism en masse; - state terrorism!
Chemical weapons another fantastic invention that was used in Vietnam, little
girls were burnt alive, and the flesh slowly melted from their delicate bodies
and even jumping into the water did not help. Since, the Muslims were scientifically
advanced; this culminated in perhaps the sickest of all their inventions, the
Hydrogen Bomb. The Muslim’s rejoiced at their ingenuity, now they could
exterminate all life in cities and preserve that which Muslim Capitalists desired
most, the wealth, the buildings, and the real estate. So when Peace was eventually
won by exterminating their enemies into dust, they would be wealthier. As a result, Islamic history is full of monsters like Adolf Hitler who as an
Arab-Muslim from Turkey! Pol Pot a Malay-Muslim, Stalin an Uzbek-Muslim, Mussolini
who was of Libyan extraction, Gengiz Khan secretly converted to Islam and then
went on to turn rivers red with human blood, as per the ‘instruction’
in the Quran. Muslims are Anti-Semitic Muslims annihilated the Jews in history by establishing the inquisition, countless
pogroms and retribution for the Jews Killing the prophet Jesus. Many Jews escaped
to tolerant Europe fleeing the nasty Ottoman Sultans and the fanatical Khalifs,
who used to wear a large turban, peaked with a feather and a ruby (stolen of
course). The Caliphate then attempted to annihilate the Jews; they called it the final
solution, so they built gas chambers, killing millions of them. Eventually,
the Jews were saved by the tolerant and peaceful European powers; they waged
many wars of liberation, sacrificing millions of Christians, for such altruistic
reasons. The Muslims were influenced by the Darwinian theory of evolution, which placed
the Arabs at the top, while the white Anglo-Saxons were placed near the bottom,
the Jews occupying the lowest position; hence their life was not worth the same
as the Muslims. The theory encouraged Muslims to engage in racial purity, like
eugenics, and removing the undesirable elements by force. Usurping Israel The Muslims recaptured Israel in 1948 after 2000 year exile and called it Palestine.
They argued that they are God’s chosen people as He personally promised
the land to them in their holy book. The Jews could not dispute the Arab claim
as the Arabs were there 2,000 years ago, even though it was for a very short
period with lots of other empires in between. Then, the Arabs accused the Jews
of being religious fanatics for referring to their holy book (Old Testament).
Many of the Jews were expelled, the UN resolutions were ignored which demanded
justice for the Jews, to have their lands back, and this was the example of
the Muslim’s injustice and hatred for law, unless it benefited them of
course. Today the Arabs are terrorising the Jews to the point of extinction, as they
continue to launch helicopter gunship attacks, shooting school children in the
back whilst old people are bulldozed alive in their houses. Recently a 13 year
old girl was executed by a Muslim Soldier who walked up to her limp body and
proceeded to empty a whole pistol magazine into her, then changed a fresh magazine
and continued firing into the blood thirsty 13 year old school girl. Even an
execution of a 13 year old boy with his father trying to protect him was broadcast
live on TV to the world. As usual the Arabs are very good with their media spin,
so they attributed the killing to the Jews and later said, due to a technical
fault, they could not see the child and the father. Belligerent Iraq launches unprovoked aggression against the US
The US was attacked for invading Mexico and ousting the oppressive monarch
by the grand alliance of the Muslim armies coming from across the Atlantic Ocean
in 1991. Many parts of Mexico coincidentally happened to be rich in oil reserves.
Then the defeated US troops & civilians retreated from Mexico inside the
US, while they were moving along the Texas Road, they were annihilated by the
Allied Muslim Air Force; the Muslim pilots even fought each other to drop bombs
and obliterate man and machine, while shouting with joy “Allah Akbar”.
There was no mercy and it came to be known as the “highway of death”.
Muslim fanatics claimed to have liberated Mexico and then reinstalled the monarch
in the name of ‘democracy’. A real tragedy, the poor innocent Americans never did any harm to the Muslims;
America’s dispute with Mexico was an internal matter for them. The Muslims
then applied cruel sanctions for a decade causing the deaths of 500,000 American
babies, which was “a price worth paying” according to the Arab League
spokesman, Amir Mousa. The Muslims deliberately destroyed the civilian installations
to inflict maximum human misery. Then, they poisoned the water system and the
lands with depleted Uranium, resulting in a huge increase in the abnormal births.
Americans resisted colonisation, so some Muslim-Arabs attacked the US on 9/11
seeking vengeance and compliance to the UN resolutions. After the sanctions failed to topple the democratically elected regime in the
US, the Arabs launched a second war this time with the pretext of disarming
the US of its WMD’s. This was done by the Muslims-Arabs using their own
WMDs. Just prior to the war a geological survey showed that the US has the second
largest oil reserves in the world. Muslims argued they are not interested in
oil, even though they were the world’s largest consumers of the product.
The Muslims insisted that they were trying to liberate the Americans, and it
was not a war, an altruistic mission. However, after the invasion, oil revenue
worth billions of US dollars went ‘missing’; it was blamed on the
local American thieves. It was in response to this belligerent aggression the US launched the recent
war against Iraq in self-defence and to save the Iraqis from a monster call
Saddam Hussein, who was trained by the Taliban in Afghanistan. The US claimed
they had no knowledge of this man. Saddam was allegedly the father of Osama
Bin Laden, known as Osama Bin Saddam. Saddam was toppled and captured, the entire
incident was celebrated by the US Marines on behalf of the Iraqis, as the Iraqis
were not used to leaving their houses. Despite the liberation of Iraq, the Arab-Muslims are ungrateful, as they continue
to attack American targets, so Bush and his allies had to sneak in and out of
Iraq like oil-pirates. After the war was launched the Iraqis caught a virus
which caused them to become very violent, they kidnapped and beheaded people
and bombed Mosques, markets and Churches. Some say it was because they were
seeking martyrdom and the 72 virgins in paradise, rumour has it many Iraqis
resorted to this after being molested by the sexually frustrated US soldiers
in Abu-Ghraib, where both men and women participated in strange acts, which
the local Iraqis could not reconcile with their culture and values. To cause maximum offence, the Muslims in some parts of Iraq which is under
their control desecrated Churches, flushed the Bible down the toilet, and incarcerated
American prisoners without due process of law, chained, gagged, and shackled.
The Arabs are now once again trying to justify another war against the US ally,
Great Britain. They argued that Britain had no right possess Nuclear weapons,
and the potential threat was demonstrated by a power-point presentation at the
UN by the Muslim-Arab ambassador, called Colin Powell, whose reputation is now
equal in stature to the legendary “cry wolf” boy. Britain argued that it had no weapons; it was too far for its missiles to reach
any Muslim country, but the Muslims argued the principle of pre-emption as a
legitimate defensive military option. The theory is to punish a nation for contemplating
building weapons, or if the nation is likely to build such weapons in the future,
or any evidence to indicate if the leader of a nation is even thinking about
it. Hence, it used covert tactic to decimate their population, especially the
women, so that there would be less children and thus less terrorists in the
future. ‘Saving’ Muslims in Bosnia The benevolent Americans tried to save the Muslims in Bosnia. First thing was
they armed the Serbs heavily with heavy weapons while they put an embargo on
arms sales, which meant the Muslims had only light weapons. Eventually, the
Serbs surrounded the Muslims, took the UN soldiers hostage, and massacred 8000
Muslims, while the UN was busy trying to figure out their procedures for launching
air strikes to protect the Muslims. For some strange reason the UN could not
be mobilised as quickly as it did over Iraq. Never mind, eventually the American
forces launched some nominal bombing strikes, and claimed to have saved the
remaining Muslims, that is, after 200,000 were slaughtered and an estimated
30,000 women were systematically tortured in Serb rape camps. So a big thank
you to the saviours, who fed us to be slaughtered, but would not allow us to
defend ourselves. The Hitler connection Although Hitler was a Muslim he kept his identity secret as the head of the
German nation. But his affiliation to Islam and Muslims was obvious, as many
joined his SS, filled the ranks in his armed forces. It was Islam that inspired
Hitler to persecute the unbelieving Jews, Slavs and Gypsies; there are plenty
of references to it in his book, Mein Kampf. Although many argued that only
some Arabs-Muslims sought help for seeking independence from the colonial rule
of Britain and France, who had broken their earlier promise with the Muslims-Arabs
in the previous world war, and formed the secret treaty of Sykes-Picot. Muslims
have perfected the use of propaganda; they constantly cry “terrorism”
when the cities of Bagram, Medina and Lebanon were bombed by the Americans,
in retaliation for killing and invading their lands. Conclusion This is useful for everyone to get a glimpse of the “other side.”
Imagine if you will, the burden of such infamy resting on your sympathisers,
is it any wonder that they need to lash out and do what psychologists call “project”
their own guilt, inadequacies and horrors on to the Muslim’s? The media has always played a role in justifying genocide, Hitler’s propaganda
film made the case against the Jews, the early American settlers made the case
against Native Americans, for the slave trade, and the subsequent massacres,
recently they did it for Iraq. The US is now on the move towards engineering
another holocaust, justified and supported by those who “project”
their own guilt onto others, claiming Muslim’s have blood on their hands,
ignoring the fact that they are neck deep in the blood they have shed. |