Keepers at the Gate: He Who Controls Television Controls the Masses |
by Manuel Valenzuela Information Clearing House Entered into the database on Thursday, December 08th, 2005 @ 01:07:06 MST |
12/07/05 -- In this age of modernity and technology, where the television monitor
has become the center of the average American household, from cradle to grave
acting as surrogate parent, teacher, role model and as influencer of human thought,
it should come as no surprise that entire populations can be controlled with
such facility and efficiency, turning once thinking humans into grazing sheeple.
For in today’s day and age, he who controls television controls the masses,
and he who controls the masses controls the nation. Television has become, quite simply, the greatest tool of mass manipulation
and thought control civilization has ever seen, an incarnation of the myriad
of myths, fables, fictions, story telling, theologies and all other forms of
‘bread and circus’ history’s elite have concocted from which
to retain power and control the lower echelons of man’s corrosive pyramid
of hierarchy. In the television the elite have found the greatest weapon of
mass control, seemingly able to dictate culture, politics, events, thought and
destiny from the moment of birth to the time of death. It can even be said that
it is they who can determine reality in twenty-first century America, magically
making history disappear, altering the past, changing the present and molding
the future. Reality is what they want it to be, shifting culture to their dictates,
conditioning minds to fit their goals, pushing society in the direction that
most benefits them and erasing from memory any manifestation that does not correspond
to the reality they wish to create. The ruling elite can, through clandestine programming and seemingly innocuous
entertainment, influence the way millions of minds think, invariably transforming
free thought into shackled reasoning. Over decades of methodical molding and
development, beginning at the earliest possible age of a human being, those
who control television oftentimes succeed in altering and indeed controlling
the opinions, beliefs and thoughts of a person. Thus, the goals and views of
the elite are transmuted onto those who stand not to benefit by the beliefs
they now possess and the thoughts they have been brainwashed to accept. This silent conditioning, achieved willingly by society, allowed inside the
home by millions of families, absorbed into the mainstream and transported over
the airwaves to all corners of the nation, creates entire armies of sentient
beings conditioned never to question authority or the actions of governance.
Over decades of assimilation and dumbed-down programming, the population comes
to accept that fate has accorded them the role of sheeple in the games of social
Darwinism and human caste systems. Thus, the interests of the elite and the
control of the powerful are allowed to continue uninterrupted, without protest,
dissent or challenge, assured of dominance, slavery and enduring reign over
the sheeple of America. In today’s day and age, those who control television are corporations
and the fledgling corporatists now in possession of government. The rise of
fascism in America has also given rise to the mutually beneficial interests
of both government and corporations, making the use and control of television
of utmost importance to the ruling elite. With government and business fusing
together, the resources of both entities can join forces to achieve the desired
regimen of thought control, thereby having a greater impact in controlling more
of the population, for longer periods of time, and in greater capacity, both
by mass manipulation and by offering exactly what the human/animal brain wants
most, distraction. Thus, mass media serves a paramount importance in the rise
of corporatism, using all tools at its disposal to condition, manipulate, indoctrinate,
distract and transform the masses, steering the population in the direction
both government and business wants us to head in, creating massive armies of
drones marching lock step in service of, and controlled by, the corporatist
few. With Americans watching so much television on a weekly basis, discarding books
of enlightenment for monitors of idiocy, preferring the drug of fantasy over
the sobering realm of reality, no longer capable of analytical, logical thought,
choosing to incorporate as their own the views, beliefs and opinions of corporate
media, the keepers at the gate are free to do as they please, disseminating
lies, distortions, manipulations, propaganda and fictions into our homes and
the minds of our family, young and old, never discriminating and always flowing
in the interest of the Establishment. From birth they have us hooked with their highly addicting programming, from
cartoons to sitcoms to movies to sports to newscasts to niche channels, using
our animal emotions and passions to intravenously feed us their vast array of
products and opinions and services and trends and beliefs. From birth the manipulation
of brainwaves begins, altering development, robbing innocence, supplanting free
thought with manipulated ideas tested in marketing laboratories, making consumers
and producers of us and enslaving our biological and psychological needs to
those outcomes that offer them the greatest revenue, profit and rise to power.
In time we are conditioned to become slaves to the system, their system, becoming
unquestioning automatons never wondering why it is that the same system we are
a part of is intent on keeping us subjugated and exploited, why we work the
hours we work, why we work five days instead of four, why we devote more time
to work than to our children, why we put up with office politics, why we put
up with long and stressful commutes, why our pay is what it is, why we continue
watching television, why we place blind faith in immoral politicians, why we
ever supported an ill begotten war, why we vote against our own interests, why
we continue shopping for goods we don’t need, why we purchase the products
we buy, why we never question authority or speak truth to power. As the brainwashing continues, and as the last remaining vestiges of free thought
are chained to the gallows of corporate control, we fail to see that we have
become a mere pawn to the system, an army of worker bees and soldier ants, one
cog in a giant engine, exploited for our energy and our existence, a part easily
replaceable, easily discarded, easily abandoned. Through the devastating dumbing-down
mechanisms of television, along with the abandonment of education and the comfort
of American middle class life, the Establishment is assured of a population
acquiescent and pacified, remaining silent in times of disquieting conundrums,
made merry by the plethora of bread and circus emanating throughout the land. The genius of the American Establishment, learned after World War II, was in
sacrificing a minute piece of the American pie to the growing middle class –
that would have previously been greedily kept – in order to maintain the
masses in an utter state of comfort, thus creating an environment of silent
passivity, complacency and calm, where the masses would have nothing to protest
or dissent over. The Establishment learned that a citizenry made comfortable
in life would not protest the inevitable enslavement of their lives, or of their
children. It learned that slavery could be maintained, and even sought by the
slaves themselves, by offering a few more morsels, crumbs and bones than before,
enough to live in comfort and thus never being given the opportunity to seek
revolution, challenge authority or protest the status quo. By perpetually satisfying
our mammalian passions, needs and emotions with a larger sliver of the prosperity
pie, the Establishment saw that production increased, consumption rose exponentially,
a calmer society permeated, citizens actually further enslaved themselves and,
in the end, the same products produced by the middle class invariably were consumed
by them as well, thus returning the allocation of resources back to the Establishment.
The television would only serve the interests of the Establishment even further
by distracting the enslaved masses in search of escapism with fantasy-filled
media, by programming young minds to the dictates of the system and by saturating
the airwaves with the products and services produced by the masses, for the
consumption of the masses, and the growing power of the Establishment. For years
this worked marvelously, in the process helping to make American citizens the
most comfortable people on Earth, given an overabundance of products by which
to enjoy life, a growing standard of living and materialistic wealth beyond
anything seen in human history. Yet the added morsels and crumbs and bones and
fictions given us could not hide the control over our daily lives, our indebtedness
to the system, our impotence versus power and our continued subservience to
the Establishment. Through television and mass media Soviet Communism and socialism were fused
together, fear of “Red Soviets” was made all-encompassing and the
introduction of the Cold War, thanks to an easily-manipulated and fear-gripped
populace, became a prosperous era for war profiteers, defense contractors and
corrupt politicians. The Cold War established with the population the idea of
America as benevolent and inherently good, always right and never wrong, fighting
for the freedom of the free world, doing battle against the dreaded “Evil
Empire.” Americans with social democrat tendencies were persecuted, anything
anti-corporation was chastised, those pointing out the debased faults of the
American system were ostracized and an entire nation was brought under the noose
of fear. An enemy had been created, and hundreds of millions of Russians were made subhuman
monsters, all innocent and as decent as you and me, all fighting to survive
a totalitarian regime. The brainwashing of Americans was so overwhelming, so
successful, that for decades the Cold War raged on, living off the fumes of
illusion and charades, creating bogey men lurking behind dark corners and making
the principles of socialism a taboo subject to those whose unenlightenment is
a cornerstone of the keepers of the gate. Television and mass media were used to conjure up an enemy that was designed
and marketed to last into perpetuity, granting perpetual war for perpetual profit,
giving sustenance to the military-industrial complex. Fear oozed out the pores
of average Americans as we were made to believe in mushroom clouds, told to
build concrete bunkers, ‘educated’ in the inherent evil of communists,
of evildoers hating us for our freedoms. We were spoon-fed the lies and manipulations
and charades through sitcoms, movies, advertisements, newscasts and even cartoons.
The conditioning was as pervasive as it was successful. It was corporate mass
media, from newspapers to magazines to television, that transformed an entire
nation into enemies, allies into rivals, millions of humans into communist monsters
and a Cold War into tense periods of mutually assured destruction. So invasive was the idea of Soviets and of communism as enemies, in fact, that
to this day those brainwashed decades ago still see an enemy behind every progressive
and left leaning American, still calling us “communists” when the
new, hip, in vogue term is “terrorist.” Only with the fall of the
Berlin Wall were we allowed to see the fallacy behind our lunacy, the façade
finally evaporating, finally opening our eyes to a cold war that was designed
for the salvation of the elite, not that of the masses, so that a perceived
threat to the Establishment’s crony capitalism, profit, greed, wealth
and power could be retained, so that the American people would be taught and
conditioned to despise the principles of socialism, for the elite saw in it,
and still do, a severe threat to their way of life. For the salvation of the elite Americans were conditioned into hysteria; for
our continued ignorance the Cold War subsisted, empowering itself and living
off our programmed fears and hatreds, calculated to keep us on the path to crony
capitalism and debauched democracy and away from other, possibly better mechanisms
of human society. Our fears and hatreds made it easier for the elite to control
us; our blind faith in the propaganda they spewed further degraded our lives.
We were negated from seeing the beauty of Russia and Eastern Europe; their cultures
and peoples were marginalized and denied us. A threat was over hyped on purpose,
creating an enemy for geopolitical and power hungry goals. Along with a cursory semblance of greater freedom, as well as the illusions
of democracy, Americans were made to believe in the sanctity of the nation.
America could do no wrong; jingoism and nationalism flourished, we were conditioned
to believe in an America the righteous, defender of human rights, protector
of democracy, cherished beholder of justice and equality, an upholder of all
things good. All the while America’s government was unleashing hell on
Earth upon the peoples of the south, creating wars, supporting dictators and
despots, arming militaries, training soldiers of death, promoting murder, assassinations,
torture, coup d’etats, death squads, creating slave labor, impoverishing
millions, exploiting billions and condemning to limbo countless human beings
whose only crime was being born in lands coveted by American corporate interests.
It was the mass media, using all tools at its disposal, that created good versus
evil, cowboy versus Indian, American versus Soviet, masquerading the interests
of the few for those of the many, spawning fear and hatreds, altering culture
and opinion to the tunes of the Establishment, controlling the fate of an entire
nation. The same exact thing has occurred in this fictional war on terror, simply
the latest resurrected marketing ploy from the dusty bins of history. What the Cold War shows us is that the population of a wealthy nation can be,
through the corporate media, easily cajoled into doing the bidding of the elite,
standing proudly by, and in furtherance of, the beliefs and goals created by
the system. A nation can in the span of a few years or months be made to hate,
fear and seek war, its collective emotions and psychology and passions exploited
and manipulated by mass media, particularly television. Reality is anything the corporate mass media wants it to be and, with a nation
addicted to television, subservient to its hypnotizing glare, ready to absorb
its opinions and visions, unquestioning and sedentary, kneeling in reverential
attention at the images it generates and the sounds it emanates, the real danger
becomes when the concocted reality of corporatists becomes the reality of the
masses, when fiction and lies and deceptions become forgotten or ignored, and
when fear, hatred, jingoism and xenophobia are birthed through the careful manipulation
of our animal emotions and passions. As has been seen during the Cold War, and now the fictional war on terror,
it seems entire populations, no matter how civilized or comfortable their lives
are, no matter how advanced or sophisticated they might claim to be, are impotent
to the captivating powers of television and mass media, the weapons of choice
for corporatists, creating citizens ready to do the bidding and dying for the
interests of the elite, ready to sacrifice their freedoms, human rights, democracy
and nation’s Constitution in furtherance of the growing plague of fascism.
The Keepers at the Gate are the creators of reality, of news and opinion, those
that filter and whitewash and erase from memory, those whose job it is to distract
and sensationalize and manage culture. It is they who possess the responsibility
of altering mass thought and opinion in favor of the Establishment, pushing
the goals of the few into the homes of the many. A nation that has been weaned
away from the liberating mechanisms of knowledge and reason and free thinking
must depend on the opinions it hears and the images it sees to create its own
reality. Pushed away from and trained to detest reading, getting news only by
watching television, trained to absorb the views of pundits and talking heads
whose opinion always favors the interests of the elite, America’s population
is robbed of divergent and diverse views, failing to grasp the dissenting opinions
and debate needed for brains to analytically synthesize all angles of a story.
Instead, a population conditioned to have the attention span of ten second
sound bites has been manipulated to hear the repetitive slogans and cheers and
talking points emanated by the talking heads seen on television. Through repetition
of catchphrases and words the opinion of the masses is generated, creating a
consensus of mass appeal the easier to dictate the direction of the nation.
In such a way, since 9/11, the corporate media, in partnership with the Bush
administration, has methodically managed the “war on terror” through
censorship of diverging opinion, by the repetitive use of slogans and catchphrases,
by creating alternate realities and by controlling the views, images and sound
bites allowed to fester on the airwaves. For they are the Keepers at the Gate, the entities that decide what constitutes
the programming and news and reality the masses should be made to watch. They
are the puppeteers and we the marionettes, our actions and opinions controlled
with the invisible strings of manipulation. We are mere pawns in their games
of chess and monopoly, impotent to challenge their omnipresence. Our reality
is their fiction, whatever they decide to filter into our lives. They can manipulate us into an immoral and illegal war using the tools learned
from Madison Avenue marketers, exploiting our mammalian passions, wants and
emotions, tinkering with the buttons of human psychology. They can condition
us to hate and fear and seek vengeance, using enemies, both real and imagined,
to force us to give up freedoms and rights and democracy, in the process transforming
once decent people into cheerleaders and supporters of torture, mass murder,
illegal occupation, war crimes and the evisceration of both due process and
habeas corpus. They can devise a fictional war on terror, using modern day bogey
men to manipulate our fear-induced emotions, thereby enriching and empowering
themselves, all the while we willingly concede our remaining freedoms and rights
to the corporatists in power. The Keepers at the Gate determine the morsels and crumbs and bones of information
we are allowed to see and hear. It is they who have made the Bush/Iraq war a
war invisible and unseen, hidden from our conscious, its ramifications on our
soldiers and on Iraqis made to disappear. It is they who brazenly darken the
arrival of dead and injured soldiers, they who censor the horrors of war and
the war crimes committed in our name. Thanks to the Keepers at the Gate, the
Iraq war exists in the clouds, as if taking place in another planet, inside
a vortex of unknowns, away from our gluttonous reality, our comfort level retained
and secure from the ghastly realities of a war of choice upon millions of innocent
Iraqis. Hidden wars that do not litter the landscape of American consciousness have
a purpose, however. For a losing war that cannot be seen by the masses cannot
create dissent, protest and shock. A quagmire that is unseen retains the aura
of victory, refusing to give rise to revulsion and disgust in the minds of millions
who, if allowed to see the true nature of man fighting man, might become a threat
the Establishment does not wish to foment. For the Keepers at the Gate have
decided that imperial wars for resources, wealth, power and geopolitical advantage
must continue; the Iraq war must not be relinquished. And so, in the time honored
tradition of controlling the masses, television has risen to hide what is not
to be seen and disseminate only what is needed, feeding us morsels of news so
that we do not become a threat. It is corporate media that has been created to maintain the balance of news,
used to expose the enemies of power and the pawns of the elite whose usefulness
has served its purpose. The corporate media and its journalist hacks that masquerade
as propagators of news manipulate us, deceive us and confuse us, using the power
endowed to them to cover up the mistakes of the Establishment. They have become
the loudspeakers and sycophants of power, employed to propagandize corporatists
and their goals while suppressing and maligning those who question and those
who speak truth to power. News anchors have become corporate shills, pushing the products and services
sold by the mother company, offering sensationalized news that serves only to
distract, dumb down and make forget. Reporters propagate the government’s
lies and deceptions, rarely, if ever, seeking truth and all its angles. The
bottom line has replaced truth, propaganda has replaced reality and lackeys
have replaced honorable journalists. The interests of those who control television
and news bureaus are given precedence over informing the public, objectivity
and truth becoming victims of religious, political and philosophical inclinations.
Suppression of truth has given way to the pursuit of ideology and zealotry,
with the beliefs and goals of reporters, producers and editors allowed to dictate
what is and what is not considered valid news. The Keepers at the Gate are the stimulators of our reality, suppressing what
is not expedient to the Establishment, disseminating that which is, systematically
concocting and perfecting the formulas to better control and manipulate the
American public and knowing what buttons to push so that, in the end, we invariably
take the road they have designed for us. The Keepers at the Gate dictate what
is, what was and what will become, hiding behind cameras to push society in
that certain direction that will be of most convenience to them. They are embedded
throughout corporate mass media, becoming the gods of destiny for hundreds of
millions of citizens, creating the invisible hand and the omnipotent consciousness
of American culture, politics and society. They can conjure up bogey men out of thin air, creating enemies and wars out
of lies and embedded manipulations. They can ruin the lives and careers of honorable
men and women; they can birth division and animosity between citizens. Presidents
and politicians are born and made through the fictions and whitewashes at the
disposal of the Keepers at the Gate, their careers eviscerated when falling
out of favor with the Establishment. Populations are brainwashed through propaganda;
dumbed down through the idiocy of circus-like programming; manipulated by subjective
and skewered newscasts; distracted and made to forget by sensationalist bull
manure; emotions and passions easily controlled by fear, hatred and warmongering.
For years the corporate mass media has been marinating our existence, taking
our youngest, inculcating them to produce, consume, obey and be a good slave,
reprogramming their innocent minds with the incantations of corporatist goals,
taught never to question and always to follow, told to place blind faith in
corporations and so-called leaders. The Keepers at the Gate are the arbiters
of reality, determining our fates through the monitors we eagerly cherish like
idols perched in the middle of our homes. Daily we sit and pray to the new religion
of man, told to produce and consume and obey and follow, our thoughts calibrated
to the tunes of power. The news chosen for our consumption is tainted with the
ulterior motives of control; the shows and sitcoms we watch contain the poisoning
allure of fiction and perfection that in the human condition is constantly sought
yet can never be achieved; advertisements, the real purpose behind programming,
saturate our minds, manipulating our emotions, needs and wants, compelling us
towards purchase. From our earliest days the Keepers at the Gate bombard us with their propaganda,
using the seduction of television, with its vast array of brain altering mechanisms,
its fantasy-laden programming, its opinion-transforming sound bites and its
captivating role as parent, teacher and role model for millions of children
no longer reared, taught or disciplined by overstressed, overworked and greed
addicted parents. The Keepers at the Gate are the sentinels watching over our
lives; the overlords of America’s destiny. They are allowed inside our
homes, their technologies adapting and learning ever more each year how to control
and manipulate us further. They are the Keepers at the Gate, the gods of information
and the purveyors of the Establishment’s interests. Truth is their enemy;
knowledge their poison; free thought the antidote to their dreadful virus; our
incessant watching of television sustains and feeds them, granting them energy.
Our ignorance is their strength; our acquiescence their ability to continue
emaciating our lives. The greatest weapon of mass control to ever arise sits proudly in our home,
welcomed by us into the safe confines of where our children reside. The tool
used by corporatists to gain dominion over our nation and lives has become our
most cherished possession. We place full trust in its capacity and technology,
in the escapism it can offer and the news it can provide. It is the only way
the Keepers at the Gate can enter our homes, thereby penetrating our minds and
that of our children. Yet we control the remote and the ability to leave the
monitor off. It is up to us to kill our television before it kills us. Only
then will the Keepers at the Gate dissipate from our minds, and our consciousness.
For they can enter our home only if we allow them and today, more than ever,
they need to be shown the door, with darkness enveloping their attempted passage
into our lives. Manuel Valenzuela is a social critic and commentator, international affairs
analyst and Internet columnist. His articles as well as his archive can be found
at his blog, and at
as well as at other alternative news websites from around the globe. Mr. Valenzuela
is also author of Echoes in the Wind, a fiction novel. Mr. Valenzuela welcomes
comments and can be reached at |