Archive for the Month of February, 2006.
Viewing Disaster in New Orleans NEWS articles 1 through 5 of 5.
Storm Warning: Levee Lies and the War on Reality: White House Knew of Levee's Failure on Night of Storm - They lied because they are not interested in governing, in carrying out the responsibilities of public office; they are interested only in wielding power – untrammeled, unrestrained, unaccountable power, put to the service of their own radical agenda of ideological extremism and crony profiteering. (3633 views)
The President KNEW... - (a photo-op summary)...and MORE. (4200 views)
Hurricane Katrina; "National Failure" or Criminal Negligence - The senate investigation of Hurricane Katrina is turning out to be another White House whitewash. The senate strategy has been to characterize the Bush administration’s response as "a national failure" or "bureaucratic bungling" when in fact the evidence proves that the top officials in the administration, including George Bush himself, are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of New Orleans residents. (3578 views)
Contradictions & LIES - Another Photo Summary about Katrina (4305 views)
Capitalism is Racism: An Update on the New Orleans Tragedy - "The late Malcolm X said that: 'You cannot have capitalism without racism'...." (4071 views)
Pages for February, 2006
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