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Archive for the Month of July, 2005.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 226 through 300 of 616.

July 13, 2005

The London Bombings and the Class War - The terror bombings in London differ from the atrocities committed against the people of Iraq only in scale. In Iraq well over 100,000 people have been butchered by the US/UK killing machine. In London as many as 50 people were killed and hundreds injured. In both cases the killed and injured are the victims of actions designed to terrorize, demobilize, and control innocent people.


DUBOIS WAS RIGHT - The great American historian/sociologist/activist W.E.B. DuBois was asked about the impending Soviet threat in 1958. He responded, "No country threatens us. We threaten the world." His assessment was as correct then as it is almost five decades later.

Two More WTC Workers Come Forward, One Seriously Burned And The Other Hurt While Trapped In Basement Elevator... - ...Both Claiming Massive Explosion Took Place In Lower Levels Of North Tower On 9/11

How the Pentagon targets teens - It's been a tough year for the US military. But you wouldn't know it from the Internet, now increasingly packed with slick, non-military looking websites of every sort that are lying in wait for curious teens (or their exasperated parents) who might be surfing by.

Former head of Mossad gives game away? - ... how did this person know that the bombs had gone off simultaneously and that there was "sophisticated choice of timing as well as near-perfect execution"?

London Terror:Another CIA Wet Ops by Porter Goss? - The present working hypothesis is that this means the perps were British homeboys, but it could equally plausibly be because the perps were CIA.

Our corporate interest - Of course, business could play an important part in overcoming poverty in Africa – socially responsible local business, that is. But central to the Africa Commission’s blueprint is the role of public-private partnerships (PPP), in which the private sector is contracted to build and operate basic infrastructure like roads and ports, or provide basic essential services like water and electricity, for profit. We are talking here about multinational companies; local businesses get the small sub-contracting jobs.

Fire and Bomb Resistant IDs in London - ...miraculously, like Mohammed Atta’s passport found in the smoldering rubble of the WTC (and in nearly pristine condition), the “personal documents” of the native-born Pakistani heritage suicide bombers were found in the wreckage.

How the Government Staged the London Bombings in Ten Easy Steps - 1) Hire a Crisis Management firm to set up an exercise that parallels the terrorist attack you are going to carry out.

Palestinians shut out from their farms - Israeli occupation forces are preventing Palestinians from passing through gates in the separation barrier to work their farms, according to a human rights activist.

London Patsies: A Replay Of The Pristine 9/11 Passport - It turns out, if you believe the Brooklyn Bridge is for sale, that actual IDs of bombers were found in separate piles of rubble at the sites of the blasts.

The Convenient Malfunction Of The London Bus Camera - This is classic and obvious op control. Turn off the cameras. Leave no visual evidence.

July 14, 2005

How the NED Violates Sovereignty and Self-Determination in Venezuela - The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has come under severe criticism and scrutiny from Republicans, Democrats, and other concerned citizens, for its clear roots in Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) activities and its misdirected motives.

Sneaky Subliminal Advertising—Why it Works - Thirsty people can be made to drink more than they normally would by being exposed to subliminal facial expressions, which are not seen consciously.

Not Enough Caskets for the Iraqi Dead - Coffin makers are unable to keep up with the demand for caskets in Iraq where tens of people die every day due to the continual armed attacks and bombings.

The difference between Sibel Edmonds' case and the Downing Street Memos - Regardless of exactly which powerful political figures would be tarnished if the Sibel Edmonds charges were to be fully revealed, it is incumbent on all of us on the Internet to try and push the story into the consciousness of the public.

Dems aim to increase army size - A team of Senate and House Democrats today are planning to introduce legislation today aimed at significantly increasing size of the U.S. Army.

The London Bombs, The Rogue Network And Iran - (by Webster G. Tarpley) Last week's London explosions carry the characteristic features of a state-sponsored, false flag, synthetic terror provocation by networks within the British intelligence services MI-5, MI-6, the Home Office, and the Metropolitan Police Special Branch who are favorable to a wider Anglo-American aggressive war in the Middle East, featuring especially an early pre-emptive attack on Iran, with a separate option on North Korea also included. With the London attacks, the Anglo-American invisible government adds another horrendous crime to its own dossier.

Frame-up: Do These People Fit The Bill Of Suicide Bombers? - A senior security source, who has viewed the CCTV footage, said: "They were chatting. You would think they were going on a hiking holiday."

A war between normal human people and savages - The corporate terrorist of the Multinationals have invisibly joined hands with the religious zealots who have a mission to transform the Muslim world in their own image.

Water on the Brain: Down the Drain - Walk down most streets on Manhattan's Upper East Side on a weekday morning and you'll find yourself dodging the watery spray kicked up by dozens of hose-wielding doormen cleansing the pavement for the daily parade of designer shoes and custom running sneakers. "Sixty-three hundred people in the world die every day from lack of water," says Regina Birchem. She's president of the Women's International League of Peace and Freedom Congress...but I don't know if her building has a doorman

Cold Blooded Murders in Iraq - More US War Crimes

EPA Is Faulted as Failing to Shield Public From Toxins - "EPA does not routinely assess existing chemicals, has limited information on their health and environmental risks, and has issued few regulations controlling such chemicals," the report said. The investigators concluded that the environmental agency "lacks sufficient data to ensure" that the public is protected.

Weapons in space put the world at risk - Not so coincidentally, seven of the 13 members of the Rumsfeld space commission had ties to aerospace companies that could stand to gain from the launching of a major space weapons program.

Glaring Flaw in London Suicide Bombs Tale - There is a huge flaw in the official theory that suicide bombers staged the multiple blasts which rocked London. A flaw which casts grave doubt over the conclusions being presented by British authorities.

This baby survived Iraq's 11th suicide bombing in a week. 30 children didn't - More than 30 Baghdad youngsters, aged between six and 15, were killed yesterday in a suicide bombing that marked a new level of depravity even in a city used to daily carnage. But it will change nothing.

Shades of D-Day, As Pentagon Preps NATO Allies for 'Planetary Objectives' - Unable to soldier on alone, at America's massive Naval Base in Norfolk, Virginia, the U.S. military is preparing its partners in the Atlantic Alliance for the battles to come in Washington's 'interminable war on terror.'

U.S. Promotes Drug Addiction to 'Assert Its Hegemony' - The Iranians claim that the United States supports the expansion of global drug smuggling and addiction, because, it 'exacerbates poverty, increases moral corruption, and keeps people backwards.'

North Korea Says U.S. Tries to Brand It a 'Nuclear Criminal' - In an article in its state-run newspaper, Rodong Sinmun, Kim Jong-il and the North Korean regime claim that the United States is trying to smear Pyongyang's international reputation, and that the Hermit Kingdom is willing to give up nuclear weapons, as long as the threat of a U.S. nuclear attack is removed

Google's Bias for Bigness - Could the popular search engine's quest for news quality leave alternative sources in the dust?

Syria Seeks to Save Itself from America's Wrath - America's decision to freeze the assets of prominent Syrian officials is likely a political-media prelude to a military invasion of Syria, and attempts by Damascus to woo Washington are unlikely to do much good, this article from Saudi's Al-Riyadh indicates.

NIH Finds Ethics Violations in 44 Cases - Forty-four government scientists who also worked as consultants for drug companies violated agency regulations designed to prevent conflicts of interest, a review by the National Institutes of Health shows.

G8 protesters claim police used psychological torture - Anti-G8 protesters have claimed they were subjected to psychological torture by Scottish police after they were arrested during last week's demonstrations.

The birth of the London bomb Official Story - You can practically hear the click at that moment in the life of every conspiracy when the police investigation turns into the Official Story. And the cover-up begins.

Huge Rucksack for a Ten Pound Bomb - How did a kid from Leeds who stayed in his room reading the Koran get his hands on military explosives?

Gannon won't give clear answer on whether he's seen classified memo on Wilson-Plame case - Gannon originally referenced the memo in an interview with Wilson, which Talon News posted on its website on October 28, 2003.

July 15, 2005

Arafat was poisoned, says Fatah chief - A poisoning claim by the head of the ruling Fatah faction has strengthened a widely held belief among Palestinians that Yasser Arafat’s death eight months ago was due to foul play.

Iran lashes back at Rumsfeld over Israel bomb claim - Iran hit back at US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld over his allegation that the Islamic republic could have been behind a suicide attack at a shopping mall in Israel.

Kenyan chain drops plastic bags - Kenya's biggest chain of supermarkets has introduced biodegradable shopping bags in response to concern about the pollution caused by plastic ones.

Depraved War Crime: Pentagon Thugs Destroy 5,000 Years Of History - We've finally become the barbarian horde that the world has always feared.

Abu Ghraib Tactics Were First Used at Guantanamo - The investigation also supports the idea that soldiers believed that placing hoods on detainees, forcing them to appear nude in front of women and sexually humiliating them were approved interrogation techniques for use on detainees.

Canada's First Nations (Not "Indians") Deserve Better - It is overdue, not only for our First Nations, but also for the rest of Canada. We Canadians need to know and to acknowledge the wrongs done to our First Nations. It is time to stand up against the regressive voices that negatively stereotype them. It is time to work with them towards national healing and reconciliation.

WTC Maintenance Worker Announces Plans For Upcoming National 9/11 Truth Speaking Tour While Appearing As Guest On St. Louis Drive-Time Morning Radio Show - Wiliam Rodriguez, a man on a mission in memory of 200 friends lost at the WTC, is taking his story directly to the people as he looks for way to by-pass media and government censorship over his 9/11 story that blows the official account of how the towers collapsed "sky high."

Israel Renews Assassination Policy - A 24-year-old Palestinian named Mohammad Al-Aasi from the Balata Refugee Camp was assassinated early this morning at his home in the Rafidiyeh neighborhood of Nablus

Tom Tancredo: Nuke Mecca - In response to a senseless question about the idiotic assumption al-Qaeda has fantastical suitcase nukes (no such beast exists) and hired evil Chechens to smuggle them across our porous border, House Representative from Colorado, Tom Tancredo, says the United States should nuke Mecca and Medina, the holiest of holy Muslim cities.

Dangerous Niggers, Poor Niggers, London Bombs: A Fable - This War on Terror is easy to figure, if you understand that there are only two types of people in the world.

London Stagecoach Employee Says Bus Bombing Suspicious - The bus driver pointed out that the number 30 bus was the only one to be re-routed after the initial bombs went off in the London Underground, every other bus carried on its normal journey, but for some reason this bus was diverted. The driver notes the following about CCTV maintainence.

London Transport Network Controlled by Known CIA Agent - The man with overall responsibility for public transport in London, the Commissioner and Chairman of London Transport, Bob Kiley, is a former CIA operative and is known to have worked directly for the Director of US Intelligence.

Iran ayatollah says Blair government could have bombed London - “There exists the possibility that the British government carried out this work, like the possibility [of American involvement] in the September 11 affair, since they themselves stand to benefit the most”, Jannati said.

Documents and explosives, a few simple questions - Following the "revelation" that the so called London Bombers left personal documents at the scenes of the attacks, plus a car load of explosives at Luton Station, there are a few unanswered questions that need addressing.

Gen Teflon: unborn US babies soaked in chemicals - Unborn US babies are soaking in a stew of chemicals, including mercury, petrol by-products and pesticides, according to a report released today.

US Still Pursuing Nuclear Options 60 Years After First Bomb - The US Strategic Command in Omaha, Nebraska, is reported to be developing "global strike" options, including a nuclear option, against potential adversaries with nuclear weapons such as Iran and North Korea.

COMCAST KILLS EMAIL FROM 'AFTERDOWNINGSTREET' COALITION! - Advocacy Group, Internet Host Charge 'Political Motivation' Behind Filtering of Email by Country's Largest Net Services Provider!

Fresh fears raised about aspartame - The European Food Safety Authority is reviewing "as a matter of high priority" the results of a large new study into aspartame, the artificial sweetener consumed by millions of people worldwide and used in more than 6,000 food and drink products.

Grove co. Bechtel runs bombed London Tube - Bechtel builds infrastructure such as roads, bridges and power plants including nuclear. No project is too big. After Bohemian George Bush (the senior) oversaw the destruction of Kuwait during the Gulf War it was Bechtel who won the contract to rebuild it.

July 16, 2005

FOIA documents expose FBI-insurance industry links - The FOIA records show that the insurance-fraud case brought against the Lampazianies was started not by the FBI, but rather by a private company, an insurance-industry-funded group called the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB).

Greenspan Fingerprint Found on London Bombs - Alan Greenspan may have some explaining to do. Because the fingerprints of Greenspan's Federal Reserve are all over financial transactions just ahead of the London bombings.

More Fear Required to Implement Big Brother State - It’s curious the London bombings came at a time when support for compulsory identity cards is on the wane in Britain.

Shock and Awe: Aerial Bombardment, American Style - In other words, Shock and Awe bombing would be used against Iraq to directly target the infrastructure necessary for the survival of the Iraqi civilian population, as well as threaten the use of nuclear weapons in an offensive capacity, in order to "break the will" of the Iraqi regime and force its capitulation.

Sharon orders 'unlimited' response to terrorism - Hamas threatens revenge for death of five members killed by Israeli air strikes

Vendor’s donation questioned - Diebold rep gave $10,000 to county GOP

Marketer enlisted to lure recruits - Military's use of firm to acquire youth data raises privacy fears

Chavez touts `21st Century Socialism' - The goal of all this, they say, is to lift millions out of poverty by reducing Venezuela's reliance on oil, which has left the country with a weak manufacturing and agricultural base and over-dependent on imports of food and almost everything else.

The Number One Reason For Withdrawal: Iraqis Oppose U.S. Occupation - Don't care what Americans think about withdrawal? Well, we should care what Iraqis think:

Genesis of an American Gestapo - On June 29 President Bush took the great leap forward in transforming the nation’s intelligence services by ordering a restructuring of the FBI and putting “a broad swath of the agency” under the direct control of the executive. Bingo -- Bush’s personal secret police: an American Gestapo.

You Should Fight Them - "If a foreign army comes to your country, you should fight them."

Probability of 7/7 Drill and Attack Coinciding - If I go to a beach, or a desert, or under the sea and pick a single grain of sand. What chance is there of you going to the same part of the world by chance and picking up the same grain? You are trillions of times more likely to do this that the London drill coinciding with this attack at that hour

Photo From London Bus - Note the SUV parked in front that says "Kingtstar"? Guess what they do?

US Close To Testing Massive "Bunker-Busting" Missile - The missile has a blunt nose that, combined with high velocity, creates a bubble of air in front of the weapon. The idea is that the bubble forces earth out to the sides as the missile descends, creating a cavity that the weapon can slide through.

Harvard professor investigated in fluoride research flap - Harvard University is investigating an allegation that a dentistry professor downplayed research showing an increased risk of bone cancer for boys who drink fluoridated tap water.

FBI e-mail proves wrongful arrest in Madrid bombings - An FBI official stated in an e-mail, a day before Brandon Mayfield was wrongly arrested for allegedly having links to March 2004 train bombings in Madrid, that the agency did not have enough evidence to arrest the Portland attorney.

Curry ingredient fights skin cancer - The compound that makes curry yellow could help fight skin cancer, US researchers say

WAS IT SUICIDE? - Why did they buy return train tickets to Luton? Why did they buy pay & display tickets for cars? Why were there no usual shouts of 'Allah Akhbar'? Why were bombs in bags and not on their bodies?

Tenn. Teen Jailed for Burning U.S. Flag - A teenager was jailed for nine days after being accused of burning an American flag on the Fourth of July, and he faces trial next month.


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