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Archive for the Month of October, 2005.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 151 through 225 of 516.

October 10, 2005

The Trouble with Authority - Should just people obey unjust laws? Should they obey authority that does not have their own welfare at heart? Should they be loyal to authority that takes from the poor and gives disproportionately to the rich? Should they lend their support to a military industrial complex that uses them as cannon fodder in wars in which they have no stake? Should they obey the authority of heartless and soulless corporate entities—legal fictions—who behave like sociopaths but write many of the laws governing corporate behavior? The answer is a resounding NO!

October 11, 2005

PNAC Executive Director and Neo-Con/Nazi Propagandist Called 'Real Terrorist' Behind 9/11 - Dr. Gary Schmitt, the mouthpiece for Cheney and Wolfowitz, set to speak at University of Wisconsin. Local group threatening to perform citizen's arrest before the speech, calling Dr. Schmitt a traitor and terrorist.

Invisible Ballots, Confirming Our Worst Fears About Democracy in Decline - No matter how honest and forthright you or I may be, history has proven one inescapable truth about the human condition. Given motive and opportunity, many people will choose to take whatever short cut is available, to achieve their objectives. Translation, they will cheat.

ROTC: Mandatory Military Service? - Hutchinson-Central Technical High School automatically enrolls freshmen in Jr. ROTC. But parents may keep their children out of the program by signing a statement. Some parents and the New York ACLU say that the process of opting out, in effect, makes the program compulsory, mandatory and illegal.

"They beat him until he was lifeless" - How democracy activist in China's new frontline was left for dead after a brutal attack by a uniformed mob

We Can’t Let "It" Happen Here - The principle weapon of government to impose its will upon the people has been the military. For many years, the US government has carefully crafted a covert tyranny of the wealthy through the use of media and propaganda, but as more Americans awaken to the true nature of their state, the Bush regime is becoming more eager to employ its unparalleled military power on the domestic front.

New Mob Link in Abramoff Scandal - Adam Kidan’s newly-uncovered link to a Sicilian Mafia figure sheds light on the activities of secretive Naples, FL financier Wally Hilliard, owner of 9.11 terror flight school attended by Mohamed Atta.

Traumatised young Iraqis turn increasingly to hard drugs - ...drug pushers told IRIN they had found a lucrative market amongst soldiers in the US-led occupation forces. They report strong demand from Italian troops in particular.

Cheney's Halliburton stock options rose 3,281% last year, senator finds - ...Cheney's options -- worth $241,498 a year ago -- are now valued at more than $8 million.

Peruvian Farmers Move to End Terminator Seeds - A group of Peruvian indigenous farmers have prepared an extensively researched counter to a Canadian move to revive 'terminator' seeds.

Danish PM faces Iraq war lawsuit - After two years of preparation, a group of 24 citizens have brought a suit against the Danish prime minister over Denmark's role in the Iraq war.

Industrialized Greed Produces Pandemics - The natural thrust of capitalism is to push into the natural world with haste, so as to win in the race to exploit; and the natural product of capitalism is a wealthy elite and a mass of poverty. Disease springs out of the struggles of poverty.

Sausage, Onion and an M-16 to Go Please...Showdown at Chuck E. Cheese - For about 1 hour beginning at 5 pm Monday afternoon, members of the Brooklyn Greens leafletted at the front entrance of the Atlantic Terminal against Chuck E. Cheese's showing of military videos to their 4-11 year-old clientele.

New Orleans: Leaving the Poor Behind Again! - When those in power close the public schools, close public housing, fire people from their jobs, refuse to provide access to affordable public healthcare, and close off all avenues for justice, it is not necessary to erect a sign outside of New Orleans saying "Poor People Not Allowed To Return." People cannot come back in these circumstances and that is exactly what is happening.

Whistleblowers meet to share stories, plot strategies - More than two dozen national security whistleblowers, lawyers and public interest advocates gathered Monday night in a pristine fishing village on Virginia's eastern shore to discuss strategies for strengthening legal protections against reprisal and to exchange stories.

Police-UN Killings in Haiti - This is a partial list of recent National Police/United Nations killings in Haiti, reported pretty unambiguously by mainstream sources. It’s instructive to check how widely and prominently these accounts were published, if they were at all.

October 12, 2005

Spychips Invading Privacy? - Chips that track boxes on trucks and ships soon may be sophisticated enough to monitor every move of consumers...

CONFESSIONS OF A GLOBALIST: BILDERBERGER ADMITS INFLUENCE ON WORLD DECISIONS - A simple glance at the secret roster of attendees shows it is composed of the wealthy elites, who are all seeking similar goals—increasing their power and profits, while turning the rest of us into serfs on the global plantation.

NOLA Senior Citizen Assaulted: It’s Just Cops on the NWO Beat - Is it possible the police—increasingly militarized, trained in SWAT-tactics, often toting automatic weapons instead of sidearms—are not serving our interests at all and are in fact serving the interests of the sociopaths who pass themselves off as our rulers?

America has 2,000 young offenders serving life terms in jail - Two leading human rights organisations have accused the United States of in effect throwing away the lives of more than 2,000 juvenile offenders sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole - a punishment out of step with international law but one increasingly popular with tough-on-crime US legislators.

Sexual Perversion in Rumsfeld's Pentagon - The Rumsfeld Pentagon has developed destruction of the character of those who get in its way to an art form. Those viewed as troublesome become the target of a special investigation. Wiretaps are applied to their telephones and their emails are read. An evidentiary case is built and humiliating leaks to the press occur.

Syrian minister "commits suicide" - Many will now suspect that Kanaan was a sacrificial lamb, conveniently eliminated before the release of the UN report into Hariri's death, says BBC Middle East analyst Roger Hardy.

Abuse, Forced Labor Rampant in New Orleans Justice System - In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans authorities are arresting hundreds on minor charges such as breaking curfew or public intoxication, housing them in brutal conditions and then pushing them through a court process that forces most into working on clean-up projects at police facilities...

DHS and AOL: An Unholy Alliance - "AOL works "closely with the DHS" to supply information on any AOL customer and allows agents from these entities "free and unfettered" access to AOL Hq at Dulles, VA for the purpose of "watching over and keeping surveillance" on the millions of AOL customers..."

U.S. Forces Hold One of Iraq's Greatest Writers for ‘Lying’ to Journalists - Muhsen al-Khafaji, a writer well known throughout the Arab world, has been held prisoner by United States forces for over two and a half years for the crime of exaggerating facts to journalists. Coming from the Bush Administration, according to this op-ed article form Iraq’s Azzaman newspaper, that is outrageous.

Trial forces Italy to relive shocking police brutality - It was on Saturday night, as the protesters were bedding down, planning to leave the next morning, that the police decided to seize the initiative. About 150 special police led by a crack "experimental" Flying Squad unit from Rome equipped with side-handled "tonfa" batons, smashed their way into the city school, which had been loaned to the Genoa Social Forum, organisers of the protests.

Fish retards age-related mental decline: study - Those who eat fish at least once a week retard the decline of their mental abilities associated with age by about 10 per cent, a study has said.

Mystery ship near Zambo - Filipino security officials said they were unaware of the presence of the US ship. Nothing on its bow identified what class the vessel was, except a US flag hoisted on the deck.

The New York City Terror Alert: - by Michel Chossudovsky - The Road towards Martial Law

Bankruptcy filings at record high - The number of personal bankruptcy filings is soaring as the effective date nears for a new law making it harder for consumers to seek protection from debtors.

Where's the Outcry About Britain's Police State? - British culture, art, politics, society, the media, the justice system, are being forced to submit to the will of New Labor under Tony Blair who wants to compel us to become subject to his will rather than free citizens of a free nation. L’Etat c’est moi, he now appears to believe. Absolutely. No other British leader in modern times has gone this far. Internment, arbitrary and punitive deportation, barbaric laws, shoot-to-kill policies have now established themselves on this soil.

UN: Poverty tied to gender inequality - The report said gender equality and better reproductive health could save the lives of two million women and 30 million children over the next decade - and help lift millions around the world out of poverty.

Instant message providers hook up - Microsoft and Yahoo are linking up their free instant messaging services, giving the two extra muscle to compete against market leader AOL.

The War on Terror - in Translation

October 13, 2005

Al-Qaeda and the Dubious Confederacy of Evil - It is simply astounding how many videos and audio tapes and letters slip through al-Qaeda’s fingers and into the hands of the Pentagon, the State Department, and various Bushites and intelligence factotums.

Dead White Women: Which Ones Matter Most? - Surprisingly, one beautiful, white, American woman murdered by a madman went mostly unreported by our watchdog mainstream media. Maybe because Rachel Corrie got killed--crushed to death--by an Israeli soldier representing the power of the state.

Venezuela Warns: Bush Is the True Atomic Threat - Venezuelan Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel asserted Venezuela is willing to launch "love, affection, and appreciation" to the US people, but the true atomic bomb threatening the United States is President George W. Bush.

Republican Congressman Slams Bush On Militarized Police State Preparation - Ron Paul says indictment story is far more damaging than media is portraying, avian flu martial law provisions aimed at gun confiscation

Pentagon Plans to Beef Up Domestic Rapid-Response Forces - One major focus will involve identifying a larger active-duty force that will be organized and trained to respond immediately...to a domestic crisis...

EU says internet could fall apart - At issue is the role of the US government in overseeing the internet's address structure, called the domain name system (DNS), which enables communication between the world's computers.

Judge in 2000 election recount gets elevated to Circuit Court - Gov. Jeb Bush on Wednesday appointed Palm Beach County Judge Charles Burton to the Circuit Court bench, elevating a magistrate whose face was beamed into millions of households when he oversaw the county's recount during the disputed 2000 presidential election.

Bush's Veil Over History - Now...Mr. Bush can prevent the public from knowing not only what he did in office, but what Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan did in the name of democracy.

GAO calls Medicare video news releases illegal propaganda - The investigative arm of Congress has found that parts of a Bush administration video explaining changes to Medicare violate the government ban on publicity and propaganda.

Special note to the Bush intelligence and law enforcement agency lackeys who read this web site - Its nice to know that one small Washington-based editor and reporter merits a National Security Letter or a court order for a wiretap.

Iraqis apprehend two Americans disguised as Arabs trying to detonate a car bomb in a residential neighborhood of western Baghdad’s al-Ghazaliyah district on Tuesday. - A number of Iraqis apprehended two Americans disguised in Arab dress as they tried to blow up a booby-trapped car in the middle of a residential area in western Baghdad on Tuesday.

Chavez ousts US missionary group - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has ordered a US-based Christian missionary group working with indigenous tribes to leave the country, accusing the organisation of imperialist infiltration and links to the CIA.

An American in chains - James Yee entered Guantanamo as a patriotic US officer and Muslim chaplain. He ended up in shackles, branded a spy. This is his disturbing story

Pipelineistan's Biggest Game Begins - This is what Pipelineistan is all about: a supreme law unto itself - untouchable by national sovereignty, serious environmental concerns (expressed both in the Caucasus and in Europe), labor legislation, protests against the World Bank, not to mention mountains 2,700 meters high and 1,500 small rivers.

Did You Know This About Iraq: Hit the Send Button - Did you know that half of all Iraqi households still don't have access to clean water?

Terror tip for rich - E-mails warned bigs of city attack

Tagged From Day One - Called the "Hugs and Kisses" infant protection system, manufactured by VeriChip, this tracking technology involves a tiny RFID (radio-frequency identification) radio transmitter that is placed on the baby's ankle.

October 14, 2005

We need to be told - None of the reports of recent terror attacks against tourists in Bali mentioned the fact that near the major hotels were the mass graves of some of an estimated 80,000 people killed by mobs orchestrated by Suharto and backed by the American and British governments.

The Emperor Doesn't Disclose: Why The Fight Against Fake News Continue - Standard Operating Propaganda Procedures

US setting up new spying agency - The US has announced the creation of a new intelligence agency led by the CIA to co-ordinate all American overseas spying activities

Intelligence Whispers - According to well-informed insiders, a phalanx of U.S. private military contractors (PMCs) that are active in Colombia under various contract unbrellas, including counter-narcotics and counter-insurgency, are also fomenting yet another coup d'etat attempt against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

The Opus Dei espionage ring operating out of Cheney's office... - Knowledgeable sources are reporting that the case of accused White House spy Leandro Aragoncilla, a former Marine aide on the staff of the Vice President and later a an FBI employee, involves a Roman Catholic Opus Dei espionage and political assassination team operating in the United States

Nicaragua - A US Colony Again? - "We have made a very important treaty with a people totally unrepresented, a people dominated by our military power...I have never considered the treaty with Nicaragua as a treaty agreed with the Nicaraguan people. We made a treaty with ourselves. We made a treaty with a government that represented us even on the other side of the negotiating table. We made a treaty with a government that was our instrument. It is one of the most indefensible transactions I have ever known in international life."

Prime Time Propaganda - Homeland Security, following most other branches of the military, has hired a Hollywood liaison to work with moviemakers and scriptwriters. Script approval can mean access to military facilities, equipment, and personnel, saving producers millions of dollars simply by tweaking their scripts to serve a right-wing political agenda.

Former Naval Physicist: Government Can Control Hurricanes - Former Vet "Made it Rain" During Vietnam War

Bush Teleconference With Soldiers Staged - President Bush Teleconference With U.S. Troops Was Choreographed to Match His Goals for Iraq War

Political Screening For All Park Service Managers - Mid-Level Managers Picked for Fealty to "the President's Management Agenda"

AP: 3,663 Iraqis Killed in Past 6 Months - Saturday's vote on Iraq's new constitution takes place nearly six months after the country's first elected government took power, and during that period at least 3,663 Iraqis have been killed in war-related violence, according to an Associated Press count.

Study Says Software Makers Supply Tools to Censor Web - The OpenNet study suggests that Myanmar, which has long been under American sanctions, including the 2003 Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act, has recently migrated from an open-source filtering technology to a proprietary system called Fortiguard, developed by Fortinet, in Sunnyvale, Calif.

US troops starving Iraqis, says UN - A United Nations human rights investigator has accused the US and British forces in Iraq of breaching international law by depriving civilians of food and water in besieged cities.

Imperial Hacks: Right and Left - The Two-Headed Monster - "Corrupted by wealth and power, your government is like a restaurant with only one dish. They've got a set of Republican waiters on one side and a set of Democratic waiters on the other side. But no matter which set of waiters brings you the dish, the legislative grub is all prepared in the same Wall Street kitchen."

Scuola per Tutti, Libero Sapere per Tutti: The Student Struggle in Italy - The protests that have rocked Italian universities over the past week show no sign of ending.

Bush Political Hacks Buried & Doctored Key Outsourcing Report Before the 2004 Election - Let's remember - this is only the latest example of political hacks doctoring and burying reports.

Saddam to claim sovereign immunity - lawyer - "He had full immunity under the prevailing Iraqi constitution and you cannot have a retroactive legislation that removes that immunity."

2005 Set to be Second Hottest Year on Record - "1998 was the warmest ever, 2005 is looking at being second. It will be another very warm year generally, which is in line with global climate change research."

Get Ready for G W Bush’s Next Big Rape Job - ...Bush wants to rape the poor and middle class further, with his new tax plans that have been overseen by Connie Mack, a non-intellect, but a bootlicker of the lowest sort.

Chinese workers in Israel sign no-sex contract - Chinese workers at a company in Israel have been forced to agree not to have sex with or marry Israelis as a condition of getting a job.

October 15, 2005

New Laws May Let Power Plants Pollute More - The Bush administration proposed new regulations Thursday that could allow the nation's dirtiest power plants to release more air pollutants each year — and possibly undercut lawsuits aimed at forcing companies to comply with the Clean Air Act.

Fake al-Qaeda Letters and the Kayfabe of Islamic Terrorism - The "letter" between al-Zawahri and al-Zarqawi is another neocon kayfabian scam, yet another situation where the division between reality and fantasy is blurred. If not for its horror and death toll, the war aimed at Islam would be a comic absurdity.

Levee Breaks, 9-11 Part of Govt. Plot, Farrakhan Implies - Forty-eight hours before the Louis Farrakhan-led march of African Americans through the streets of Washington, D.C., the controversial minister Thursday repeated his charge that levees in New Orleans were intentionally blown up on Aug. 29, following Hurricane Katrina. He also implied that the Bush administration may have orchestrated the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the U.S.

Avian Flu - Vaccination Fraud Debunked - "Emerging diseases complement the political "War on Terrorism," and our bioterror-influenced culture. This agenda serves two primary objectives: profitability and population-reduction." If avian flu becomes more than a threatened pandemic, it will have done so by political and economic design.


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